New Player with Vanguard Box; want 500pt list. In trade, just about everything got better on a base warscroll level, the keywords are easier to work with and the core moon mechanic will be better to play with. Enough to make the flinger competitively viable? We accept credit card and ship board games anywhere in Thailand! Most intriguing is. is still tough to recommend outside of you trogg fanatics, and you do you, kings. Its also a pretty tasty 6 mortal wounds for the Arachnarok, but with only 4 attacks to trigger that its more nice to have. Could potentially see some use, requiring you to have no enemy models within 12 of the Loonshrine at the end of the game, and for it to have not been smashed to rubble. Skinks . What the bad moon does is provide a benefit to any unit under its light, which means wholly within the large quarter that the moon is occupying, or the entire board if its in the centre. Squig Rider Stampede (140) Total: 2000 / 2000 Extra Command Points: 1 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 208. More generically, Moonlight Raid requires you to flip an objective your opponent control and for all of your units contesting it to be under the light of the moon. are! For 200 points were starting to get into the realm where damage output could be a problem for cost, but the x-factor here is the potential of having multiple units ambushing on with it. Scuttletide feels like another winner, being able to be summoned from any terrain feature, throwing 8 dice with 5+ being mortals and also picking up a new ability to only be dispelled on a 9+ if its near an arachnarok, making it potentially difficult to remove for your opponent. There also is a lot of draw in their lore. picks an objective held by your opponent and is scored if you finish the turn controlling it with a unit youve brought back using the Loonshrine, a doable late game pick. Da Moon Onna Stick is now melee only as a weapon but its ability has completely changed and now Skragrott acts as a walking moon, with units wholly within 12 of him counting as being under the light of the moon which is an. Before the battle starts, youll elect a table corner from which the Bad Moon will approach the battlefield. returns intact, making it so that unmodified hit and save rolls of 1 & 2 always fail for the target unit. Whether you can fit such an immobile unit into your army at 110 points now will depend on how much you want that ward. Gitz have been seen as the underdog army basically from Age of Sigmars inception. For just 80 points if youre running squigs, youll be taking this. However, it shows the maximum statistics for the unit in place of any * as shown on the units Warscroll. Its not all great news for the herd, as it is no longer able to receive commands at all. Its worth pointing out that the fellwater noxious vomit ability is now absolutely buck wild, any unit damaged by it is at -1 save until your next hero phase. upgrades the spider venom of your spiderfang units to trigger on an unmodified 5+, and, which lets a Moonclan hero under the light of the moon immediately issue three Rally commands for zero CP expenditure. Wizards get to be. for an extra cast whilst under the bad moon, which will end up being most of the time when you need it. His warscroll spell also happens to be incredible, a 24 range nuke that rolls a number of dice equal to the casting value and deals a mortal wound for each 3+. Your other two flavours of big spider live here. Units 5 x Sporesplatta Fanatics (120) 6 x Sneaky Snufflers (70) 5 x Boingrot Bounderz (100) 5 x Boingrot Bounderz (100) Behemoths Mangler Squigs (240) Battalions. Squig Lure is a bit more specialist and is a tough sell before the previous two spells even in a Squig list, giving out re-roll charges to a single squig unit. Finally theres Chasing the Moon which requires your general to survive the battle, potentially much easier than it used to be if theyre a Galetian Champion, and to have been affected by the Light of the Bad Moon in 3 battle rounds. Dripping tunnels and caverns echo to the clash of gongs, the thump of drums and the shrill war cries of massing grots. This can let you slide out of trouble, or slide into trouble. The herders in the unit have totally changed, and now you roll a dice for each herder in your hero phase and return d3 slain squigs for each 2+. which only the Troggboss gets to do. Its possible to return destroyed units of Grot Stabbas or Shootas at half their starting strength, and depending on your general, you may be able to drive squigs, Spider Riders, or even troggoths up from the depths to join the fray. The moon now only moves on a 4+ roll and theres no possibility of double moving. The shrine is an entrance to the Gitz endless Moonclan Lairs beneath the earth. is also mostly the same but received a small buff, removing the wholly requirement, so now any enemy unit slightly tagged in the 12 bubble from your caster will catch the -1 to hit. Judging by the FAQ, this isnt likely to change, sadly, as the FAQ is one of the longest of the bunch, but is instead almost entirely devoted to how their Bad Moon mechanic works, which is maybe a bad sign if your new edition FAQ is devoted to explaining a nearly 2 year old mechanic. They werefine, in a better than nothing sort of way. Hello all! This is still fundamentally random, and it likely will eventually leave the battlefield in a good number of games, but its far less likely to move off the board early and you will also get to benefit from it in the first battle round. - An in-depth look at the origins, lore and great battles of the Gloomspite Gitz. Its worth pointing out that the fellwater noxious vomit ability is now absolutely buck wild, any unit damaged by it is at -1 save until your next hero phase and ignores positive modifiers to save rolls. A more defensive option is the Loonboss only Fight Another Day which lets your general move 2d6 after it fights, meaning its effectively going to be another squig-based choice in actual use. Otherwise hes got a 4+ ward, gets to issue a command per turn for free, can choose to move the moon or not once per game and is a two-spell caster. Just one, and its a weird one. which lets you take one of the non-arachnacauldron Gitz endless spells for 0 points and lets your general attempt to cast it (but crucially, does not make them a wizard so any of those predatory spells will be wild). Goonhammer and Stat Check are Teaming Up! In this video I preview the new Gloomspite Gitz battletome and will focus on Da Bad Moon, allegiance abilities, enhancements, Gittish Hordes sub-allegiance, . The Battletome did not launch with any, but theyd eventually get some through White Dwarf, then reprinted in Broken Realms. For those of you with a spiderfang general, Spider Riders can be battleline and certainly exist. Its now a normal shooting attack, with no rend and damage 1, that has a number of shots equal to the target unit up to a cap of 20. The largest Mangler Squigs are chained together in pairs, careening across the battlefield like wrecking balls. Of the two monstrous rampages, each is keyed to a specific kind of unit as you might expect. Four, including the now ubiquitous have ever battle tactic you complete be from your faction list. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. $199.99. Bad at holding objectives so usually they need Moonclan friends. How To Paint Everything: Creating, Basing, and Painting Area and Tournament Terrain, Necromunday: Buzz Lightyear Hyperspeed Trucks in the Ash Wastes. Up to 30 models can be garrisoned inside the Loonshrine, and once per turn you can try and summon reinforcements from under the earth. Thats pretty awful, but if you hit with any attacks then on a 2+ the target unit has its move characteristic halved until your next hero phase. What killed Warhammer Quest: Cursed City? Grots make up the bulk of most Gloomspite Gitz forces. Troggherd Heavies has a required Troggboss, one Dankhold Troggoth and no optional units. This list is kept up to date as often as we can and was last updated on the 1st March 2023. Your various squig-based units are now all keyword Moonclan, so have fun with that (but dont get too excited). Gloomspite are a horde army in most cases that rely on Grots, and while the garrison change is cool, the terrain being set up likely far back in your line (or vulnerable to monsters otherwise) makes it a little harder to make use of well. Their awful old command ability has also vanished in favour of an unusual but potentially useful once per game ability to retreat this and one other spiderfang unit at the end of the combat phase. Privacy Policy. Pre-Owned. This has to target a different unit each time, but if youve got Moonclan units under the light of the moon then this is potentially an incredible amount of model regeneration for very little resource expenditure. Its probably too expensive, really, but potentially worth playing around with. 1 x Waaagh! Also in the same boat for keywords and battleline-if is the, which has that baked in extra gob attack and a d6+5 move. For whatever reason, the army always seems to suffer in some way with how certain mechanics in AoS work, or simply just dont possess the right synergies or powers to be effective. Moonclan wizards get a choice of the old faithful, which still does its old trick of handing an enemy unit within 12 -1 to save rolls in the combat phase, or the, which is a flat +1 to cast with an extra +1 to cast added every time the bearer unbinds a spell. Skryre Acolytes / Poison Wind Globadiers, Skaven : , , . Goonhammer and Stat Check are Teaming Up! Rerolls to casting is nice, but the moonclan lore isnt quite good enough to make forcing it through a requirement, and the other options for subfaction are spicy enough to compete. We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. ; Scenery standing for scenery with rules. Free 4 day shipping This is a 4+ roll to get a dead unit back, so the reroll is big news for forcing this through. The mount attacks are the same, but with a huge number of ways to improve them, and the moon-cutta of the Loonboss itself is now a real weapon. With the squig and moonclan keywords, theyre eligible for a, are unlocked by a moonclan general. The Alguzzler Gargant staggers back for some reason, its profile has been brought largely into line with its Sons of Behemat cousin save for the shooting attack vanishing and an unfortunate degrading movement. Otherwise, the reroll command ability is predictably gone and now you get another modification to all-out attack for troggs, giving them +1 attack on top of the +1 to hit, which is a pretty big upgrade over its previous incarnation. That, combined with rampant keyword bingo meant that many units had to be shelved to achieve synergy with the rest of the army. Wanting to build a 500 point list. With the squig and moonclan keywords, theyre eligible for a lot of buffs as well. That said, maybe this will help make it more clear and easier for players to understand. The trick here is this isnt a pile-in, so theres no requirement to keep the move near the closest enemy model. At their new 90 point price tag, these seem strong into the shooting meta were yet again stumbling into. is to kill a selected enemy unit with a Gitz unit not under the light of the moon. The Hand of Gork also returns completely unchanged as a long range teleport option. This isnt locked to your turn, so a lot of potential extra healing and gives you some interesting play around activation order. Another attempt has been made to make the Arachnarok Spider with Flinger relevant and the flinger itself has been totally rewritten. Although taken as a set, each is a separate unit. Spiderfang - Large Spiders which act as a core you your army, with spider riders acting like 'traditional' cavalry compared to the random natured squigs. For this you get the Magnificent ability. will make you all warm and fuzzy with their Gitmob keyword, but at 135 for 5 theyre a tricky sell. provides two extra wounds and the Monster keyword, a small mercy for everyone who thought they should be monsters anyway. Im under no obligation to do a review or will Games Workshop have any control of whats in this video. This is a list of all units in the Gloomspite Gitz faction, which combines lists of units from several other factions. are also new and provide a buff to your moonclan wizards, letting you reroll one of your casting dice if theyre within 9 of another moonclan wizard. Shootas and Stabbas are weak and cowardly but theyre also incredibly numerous. Scrapskuttles Arachnacauldron feels a bit lost, its handing out an extra cast and knowing the entire lore but this just isnt a strong enough effect to have the downside of killing your own stuff, especially when arcane tome exists. Gitz retain their two spell lores, though both have been trimmed back in standard 3rd edition style. Cheap, numerous, and with lots of synergy between their units. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. They cant have any Relics or Spells. Battletome: Gloomspite Gitz is almost upon us, and in the third of our in-depth previews, we're taking a look at the warscrolls! By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Then in opposite-land, Stab Em in the Dark is to kill a selected enemy unit with a Gitz unit not under the light of the moon. While a lot of Batallion updates in White Dwarf tried to help address some of these issues, Gloomspite are still in a pretty mediocre place as we enter 3.0. But that old army was the worst in the game for most of its lifespan. Lore detailing the Gloomspite Gitz and their unique background and worship of the badmoon. - A showcase of stunningly . Gloomspite Gitz have also been handed out two unique heroic actions and two monstrous rampages, and its always great to see these recent battletomes really relax into AoS3s mechanics. Start Collecting! requires every friendly Gitz unit on the battlefield to be affected by the light of the moon, but you cant score it in the first battle round. The Loonboss on Mangler Squig has picked up two extra wounds and a much more reliable d6+10 move. For those of you with a spiderfang general, can be battleline and certainly exist. For veteran players, going from being a surprisingly magically powerful army to a fairly mediocre one will sting. The only truly generic trait for Grots is The Clammy Hand which lets you attempt to bring 2 units back with your Loonshrine providing your general is within 12 of it. The following categories are not shared with other factions: Unique standing for unique characters and units, usually defined by having Unique labelled in the Notes Column of their Pitch Battle Profiles. Starting to build a Gloomspite Gitz, Whats a good base for a 500pts list to build from? For just 160 points Skragrott feels really pushed and youll probably see it a lot. The Skitterstrand didnt get the +2 wounds memo which is maybe an error, but otherwise retains its ambush shenanigans. Speaking of spike potential, the. Stabbas have their shield baked in for a base 5+ save and have lost their wound bonus in exchange for a really exciting ability to contest objectives from 9 away instead of 6. He loves to charge in nice and early with some other big scary melee threats to take advantage of his 3d6 charge aura, and the newly juiced up squigs should suit this purpose nicely if youre Kragnos-inclined. Even with the brutal command restriction (seriously, that Bravery 3 is going to hurt) for 120 points, this is a good unit for trading. Start Competing: Chaos Space Marines Updated! asks you to do 8 or more mortal wounds by Spiderfang units, which youre not in total control of but is doable if youre leaning hard into Spiderfang. The moon now starts in a large table quarter of your choosing and from the second battle round you start rolling to potentially move it. Report this item Report this item - opens in new window or tab. which gives +1 wound and then +1 to hit and wound if you roll a 1 after taking damage that isnt negated. Fans of spiders will be happy to see the Scuttleboss has gained a point of damage on each of its melee attacks, 2 wounds and 2 of movement for only a modest points bump up to 130. While they tend to personify horde based gameplay, with many lists easily being able to clear 100 models (and they can come back after being wiped!) I have a Vanguard box and another $150 to spend. Theyre still quite expensive for how fragile they can be, but are fast at a d6+10 move and their squig mount picked up an extra attack. which lets your general move 2d6 after it fights, meaning its effectively going to be another squig-based choice in actual use. You'll also get a pot of stone-coloured texture paint for their rocky bases, and even save money when compared with buying the included paints separately. Firstly. is a once per battle 3 mortal wound bomb that triggers after the Troggboss fights. 4+ rallies, multi-rallies and bringing back half of a destroyed unit are easily available. Learn more about earning points with eBay Mastercard. For heroic actions theres Beckon the Loonatic Hordes which lets a Moonclan hero under the light of the moon immediately issue three Rally commands for zero CP expenditure. About this item. has picked up two extra wounds and a much more reliable d6+10 move. The Bad Moon invigorates your Gitz, making cowardly grots more likely to rally, troggoths thicker-skinned, spiders more venomous, bouncy squigs even bouncier, and inspiring your General with extra Command points and your Wizards with greater magical prowess. Enough to make the flinger competitively viable? Buy Warhammer AoS: Vanguard: Kharadron Overlords and other products from Games Workshop. Moonclan lairs is still its main ability and has been tidied up a lot, your general no longer matters and you can now select any destroyed Gloomspite Gitz unit that isnt a hero and has fewer than 5 wounds, and that unit comes back with half of its models on a 4+. Another attempt has been made to make the. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising.