Most actresses on TV, if theyre 58 probably weigh 120# or less. I would imagine those who liked Barclay probably include a large portion of those who like Tilly. Keep up the great work ladies! Mack is one of the core group of Trek authors going back to shortly before Nemesis. And over the last couple of years, so have I. Im still not fond of the gory, violent Klingon business of the first couple of seasons, but I slowly began to see DISCO anew. We need to examine our highest ideals and allegiances to reveal our preconceived notions, shallow knee-jerk reactions, and find the truth about our choices. Sylvia Tilly was an ambitious female Human Starfleet officer who lived during the mid- 23rd century. Lwaxana sometimes I dont mind her simply because she puts Picard and Odo on their back feet, but she was very OTT on shows that didnt really have a lot of OTT characters, and there was little reason for her to keep appearing on DS9 beyond reverence towards Majel Barrett. It included a lot of the old characters too like Chakotay, BElanna, Tuvok with a lot of new characters. Took time to reset the franchise. Because she symbolizes the Trekkies, geeks, nerds. In fact, it says far more about the body-shamers than it does about those being body-shamed. Nibiru? Diplomacy? David Ajala: What about Grudge in the mirror universe? I always have to correct it, so its not terribly efficient. Tilly should have been introduced as female Barclay or a less extreme version of junior lieutenant Picard in Tapestry (the alternate timeline where his career stalled after avoiding getting stabbed in the heart). Its very likely shell be on the Star Fleet Academy show if she continues as a regular/recurring character on a Trek show. Such use is more overt in DISCO, but it is by no means out of the ordinary. She is most recognized for her roles in the science fiction drama series Star Trek: Discovery on Paramount+, where she first played Cadet, then Ensign, and finally . Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. Miss Wiseman F those fake Trekkies/Treksters keep acting your ass off. Smart doesnt mean competent. Im sorry if the idea of someone not like Discovery upsets you, but its unreasonable to expect people to change their minds for that reason. That does so much emotional damage to a personbut it also says a lot about those doing the body-shaming. ..I have a total girl crush. Mary shouldnt listen to the haters and Sonequa, I never noticed she looked any different than she did before, body wise. It was EXACTLY what I needed while mourning my own mother. They have solved some of these issues the easy way by talking themselves out of it (Klingon hair, holograms, Ariam being no android at all), now that we are in the future none of it really matters anymore. Funny enough, I have never had a problem with Wesley. Other ships having counselors in the TNG era was mentioned. It is one thing to be healthy and quite another to be reed-thin and healthy. You made very good points and I do agree. I lovvvve Lilly/Tilly and her curves. The Berman era had specific ideas about things like accents and music that kind of locked it into something fairly homogeneous. Troi made explicit the evil intent lies we tell each other and ourselves to gain selfish material and political advantage. Even Picard has his own show. A person who we see strive to make themselves a better person. Keep up with all the news and reviews from the newStar Trek Universe on TV at Control over ones own body is the most basic freedom we should have. Theyre losers, pure and simple. If you cant deal with the idea of conflicting opinions then I really dont think you should be online at the moment. Everybody loves is an idiom, it should never be taken as a strict statement. Im reaally hoping season 4 will be smoother, Im holding thumbs here. Thats not good writing, its oandering fan fiction, Starfleet is not military. He also has emotional intelligence. Shes not going anywhere. Acceptance? No, from Starfleets POV its 3 years. I thought her arc was going to end with her being booted from the service for repeatedly failing physical fitness tests? Theyve written Tilly as just the straight oh theres Tilly for the jokes. I cant stand any sentence (especially related to DSC) which starts off with Everybody loves Its never true. Tilly is justannoying. Bad writing, illogical story arcs, unbalanced tempo, underdeveloped characters or sudden jumps in character development. Story: With . And now, with only three years under her belt in the field, From future Starfleets POV, thats 900 years! You are correct, it comes down to the same thing, poor plot development. Its one thing thats definitely been improved upon by the more recent stuff. For me, generally speaking, when Barclay or Trois mom appeared it signaled a terrible episode in advance. Sense of morals. How blandly Puritan. Ive re-learned through life experiences how to stop and smell the roses again you might say, among other things. And tons dont. ;). How does Tillys scientific mind come into play in solving the crisis of the anomaly in season four? And yeah the Full Circle stories do sound a bit depressing especially since SPOILER ALERT they kill off Janeway in them! And CBS posted some images of Emperor Georgious quarters on the ISS Discovery. I found him quite annoying, myself. Events in David Macks two books towards the end of that series ( A Time to Kill and A Time to Heal) have a profound impact throughout the rest of the Litverse. I like the way you think! Tilly is a wonderful incarnation of our inner geekdom, a person you would find at conventions or in fanfiction I love this character so much because she isnt perfect. PS. Wiseman had other things to do. Like a lot of people, she pivoted and found herself in a new role as teacher. I know most dont share my opinon that after a terrible first half of S1, I have generally liked Discovery but making Tilly first officer was quite possibly the most ridiculous plot twist in the history of Trek. What tradition do you speak of? Yet, she is. I like me. Harry wasnt annoying watching him was just sad :-D. Im glad for you that you didnt find him annoying. Not liking a character doesnt make a person a troll, so Im not even sure what that nonsensical comment was supposed to mean. Of course my original statement still stands regarding Tilly becoming Sarus Number One. She went away and supposedly became an amazing well rounded person. But of course this being Star Trek they SPOILER ALERT bring her back to life! It just happened. And more importantly, were back to exploring both the prime universe and 24th century again we havent done since Voyagers final season, which was 20 years ago this year! She is relatable and human and wonderful. Right!? Im mostly just curious if Tillys removal from Disco came from Wiseman looking to do other projects or if they wrote it in and broke the news that she was getting cut as a regular. And others opinions dont factor in. I will have to go check it out. I saw someone just last month asking on a Facebook fanpage if Starfleet had some kind of physical fitness standard and if so, shes violating it, ect.the same old idiotic abusive misogyny disguised as genuine concern. Barclay was funny and silly but relatable due to his social anxiety. None of us are and its okay. For me I love how it deals with social logic as well as technology. She's interviewed several Star Trek . It feels the only reason was to have a non-binary character, which after a few episodes ended up fading into the background with the rest of the furniture anyway. Tillys character arc was mishandled once they realized Mary Wiseman was cast (Marys a decade or more older than Tilly). It makes sense there would be and that they be a part of the medical team. Nice girl but still jostling with Burnham as the most annoying character on the show. I truly do love this show, but Burnham and Tilly are so damn annoying. out of shape for the job shes in and the role she wanted to perform. Somehow these insecure people feel others not like them are a threat to how they see themselves and how the world should, in their opinion, be. I LOVE the future! Therefore, I love her. It means something to me. I keep hearing the word heartthats the poorest excuse yet. Weve seen Captain Killy, so what does Mirror Universe Book look like? But the nu left that this show panders to cant accept any opinion that isnt in agreement with it so they try to immediately invalidate it. The Delta Quadrant is a dangerous place, and the remnants of species and societies that survived around the edges of the Borg network and incursions were harsh and justifiably skeptical of the Federations. MS Wiseman owns the sadistic Bitch Capt Killy like she does Tilly. Weve seen a lot of big men in Star Trek but no big girls. Just IMHO, because to each his (or her, or their) own! The 60s/70s are gone. Imo, this show tries so overly hard to be socially progressive, its the very thing that makes it a turn-off. I think that in a world thats so repressed and violent, violence becomes these peoples only outlet for pleasure and release. So sayeth Scotty, the contrarian. Also the writers, Erika Lipoldt and Bo Yeon Kim. Mention one thing or person loved by EVERYBODY. So many characters, and all were very well developed with interesting stories. Too nervous and anxious. But I did not watch DIS S4 either. While Tilly had big dreams in Star Trek: Discovery season 1, she struggled with feelings of inadequacy and was hindered by a social awkwardness that often left her feeling like an outsider. Season 4 sees Sonequa Martin-Green's, Michael Burnham, return with her. Fitness may be in the eye of the beholder, as hes commented himself that contempories his age have to hit the head just a bit more often. . It just really doesnt fit in this show however. What was your point to this comment, anyway, except to minimize and dismiss support for plus-size women? Just take a little trip down the hellhole that is a tabloids message boards and youll see the kind of body shaming of male and female actors and celebrities that exists out there. In general, the Litverse kicks off with the TNG A Time to series that fills in events between the movies Insurrection and Nemesis. Ive read plenty of well-deserved criticism of the writing but to my knowledge, there has been no widespread criticism of STD acting or physical appearances. Thats the thought I had last season, when they had the perfect chance to wirte out Burnam (I believe it was Reunification III or the one after that) and they just didnt follow through at the end. I agree with you on principle as far at this being fine on a fictional Star Trek show. You mentioned that the rest of world laughs at America because of obesity. Maybe Saru wont be on the ship as much but Im guessing they are going the same direction. Eh, only in some particular parts of the internet. Obviously I dont know what M. Wiseman is like. I mean, it was just so fun! A statistical average does not justify shaming or ridiculing anyone. American actress Mary Wiseman payed several smaller roles in the past but recently gained a big recognition as Cadet Sylvia Tilly in new iteration of Star Trek franchise called Star trek: Discovery. lol ;). Nah Book is Boba Fett and I want to see the spin-off series THE BOOK OF BOOK :-). When I was around 12 I used to eat peanut butter and drink Ensure, a meal replacement drink, before I went to sleep. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Season four of Star Trek: Discovery arrives on Thursday, November 18 on Paramount+. Especially when there were just so many more qualified people for the job on and off the ship. We love that someone who isnt super fit was cast, especially that its a woman. The writing for him is trying in season 1, but from Samaritan Snare onwards I actually think hes kinda endearing and has decent utility.