Komei then captured Sanji, Zoro, Porche, and Hamburg and took them to Nebulandia, where he imprisoned them. [96] He had a hostile reunion with his younger brother, Vinsmoke Yonji, who was trying to admonish him for refusing to comply with the arranged marriage plans. [159], The group was surprised to see Kaidou and they learned that Luffy, Zoro, and Law were already exposed. After Chopper fended off some of the knights, Sanji told him that he was going to see the Mermaid Princess. Pudding talked to him with a friendly persona, causing Sanji to become infatuated with her. One Piece SANJI NEW SEALED WCF 02 Vol 1 Bandai Banpresto Film Red. ago If you want to interact with the community more, join the discord server I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. The priest then prepared to assassinate Sanji on Big Mom's orders. While hearing Luffy's words, Sanji cried tears of regret. [40] As they ran from Smiley, they come across the giant piece of candy left by Caesar for Smiley, and a small dragon made by Vegapunk. While Pound charged at Oven, Sanji rapidly moved in to kick Oven in the head before grabbing Chiffon. Nami then revealed that she had stolen a Vivre Card leading to an entertainment city known as Gran Tesoro, and the Straw Hats headed there. Bandai One Piece Film Red DXF SANJI The Grandline Men Vol. As the woman gave Gotti a scolding, Sanji remarked to himself on the similarity between the woman and another person. The Building A gate then opened, letting the gas flow into the passageway. Sanji, in turn, instructed Violet to wait for him at the western port. Carrot tried to cheer Sanji up but ended up crying, prompting Sanji to comfort her. With the baking of the cake completed, Sanji and the chefs prepared to set sail and rendezvous with the Thousand Sunny. Despite their immediate mutual attraction, Sanji informed Pudding that he would not accede to the wedding because it would force his removal from his crew. During the Tea Party, he wore a white tuxedo, comprising a dress shirt and ascot under a white vest, white trousers and shoes, and an open formal coat with a raised collar. [79], The group on the Thousand Sunny managed to deal some damage to the enemy pirate ship and escaped the Big Mom Pirates thanks to a fog Nami created. As they were flying, Sanji informed them that Law's crew were captured to be used as bait for Law. [101], As Sanji stared at the Germa soldiers, Yonji explained to him about their father's past partnership with Vegapunk, the research they were conducting, and that the soldiers are actually cloned humans. [155] Sanji carried Nami, Chopper, Carrot, and Brook away from the ship, but Luffy got dragged into the whirlpool along with the Sunny. [75], Sanji's team later engaged in a conference call with Luffy and Franky's group after Zoro managed to make contact with their captain at the Corrida Colosseum. As the Neptune Brothers were leaving, Sanji could not hold any longer and got a gigantic amount of blood pouring out of his nose in the shape of a mermaid, forcing the Straw Hats to reveal themselves. Sanji then listened to Jinbe as he explained the fish-men and merfolk's dark past as well as the ideals of Queen Otohime and Fisher Tiger. On the way to Green Bit, Violet informed Sanji about the Marines present in the country. Berating the samurai for his hubris in being rescued and ignoring the cold, Kin'emon still did not understand why pirates would be willing to help. The pair then blocked an attack from both King and Queen for each other, although with great resentment, and split up to face the All-Stars one-on-one, with Sanji preparing to fight Queen. After the two year timeskip, Sanji now covers his right eye, shows his left eye, and has grown his hair just slightly longer. At that moment, his father, Vinsmoke Judge, arrived to speak to Sanji, who greeted him coldly and refused to acknowledge him as his father. While sailing under the ocean, Sanji and the crew marveled at the site of the underwater world. [173], After a brief argument, Zoro handed Toko to Sanji. He later turned to stone when some mermaids joined him, Chopper, and Brook while eating. Unfazed by Gotti's threats, Sanji repeated his earlier order (this time, directed at both Vito and Gotti) to leave, which enraged Gotti further. Sanji then revealed that he had desired Psycho P's Devil Fruit ostensibly because it helped him fulfill his dreams, but really because he wanted to spy on women's baths. [168], Sometime later, Sanji separated from the group and used his raid suit to sneak into the bathhouse where Nami, Robin, and Shinobu were bathing. Sanji told Pudding that they would be parting ways when Luffy returned and also told her that he was glad that she was his fiancee, causing Pudding to become emotional. [225] Momonosuke, Yamato, and Kin'emon caught up to the crew before they could leave. Sanji heard Bonney's screams from inside the eddy, so Zoro cut it open. [44], One of Caesar's henchmen fired a cannon at the wall of Building A, letting the gas in. Sanji and Brook laughed when Nami refused to cuddle with an adult Momonosuke. Sanji then tried to escape with Luffy through the air, but they were smashed into the ground by Charlotte Yuen. [119], After being informed by Jinbe of the location of Bege's hideout, Sanji and Luffy arrived there and were greeted at the door by Vito. He also wore white pants, brown boots, and a yellow bandana. Sanji then proclaimed that he would rather die while giving perverted looks at mermaids than live a long life and not having his dream come true, much to Chopper and Usopp's shock. Sanji's group then saw the Yeti Cool Brothers' massive footprints and decide to follow them, thinking they might belong to a legendary snowman. Luffy rejected Hammond and the fish-man prepared to attack. Sanji, alongside Luffy and Zoro are referred to as the Monster Trio. Zeus grew massively and became stormy, and Nami took the opportunity to summon a massive lightning bolt that struck the Big Mom Pirates pursuing them. King then located Zoro and went to attack him, causing Sanji to rush to his aid, but King's attack was instead blocked by Marco. He also wore a long blond curly wig, nail polish, a pair of woman's undergarments, and heavy, trashy makeup. The mink revealed that they had orders to capture Caesar as well as do something that would tear the Straw Hats apart, but told Sanji he would repay them by leaving the crew intact as long as they got Caesar. [109] Out of concern for Pudding, Sanji tried thinking positive thoughts and acting like his usual cheerful self. Sanji then listened to Jinbe's recap of what happened in the seats of power over the last two years. [219], After their baths, Sanji and the others enjoyed the festival alongside the citizens and the Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance. The Thousand Sunny was drawn into its mouth, but as the Straw Hats tried sailing away from it, Olga told them to go inside it. He then asked what would happen if the payment is not made and Tamago explained that the island would be destroyed if the candy is not given. Following then, he would contact Zoro, who was in a heated battle with King, explaining he snuck a Den Den Mushi into his clothes should he get lost. Kin'emon replies with his belief that once a man enters a competition, he must aim for the top to be acknowledged as a real man. Sanji promised that he would return before Bege fled with him and Caesar. Confused by this accusation, Sanji got lost in thoughts, fearing he finally had become just the same as his brothers. After defeating them, Violet then revealed to Sanji that the news about Doflamingo's resignation was a false report. Vito welcomed Sanji enthusiastically before directing him and Luffy to take a bath, since his boss does not like to meet with dirty people. They traveled the island and Sanji managed to save Nami, Brook, and Momonosuke from Sheepshead by defeating the latter. Sanji was attacked by Balong of the Long Long Pirates, but he shattered his weapons before defeating him. In the Wano Country Arc, Sanji was given a yellow and white stripped yukata by Kin'emon with a top knot the same as Luffy and Zoro. Bonbori started having dry heaves, and when Franky arrived with the Sunny, the Straw Hats, Olga, and Acier rode up Bonbori's throat as it vomited them out. [97], Sanji later conversed with his elder sister, Vinsmoke Reiju, in the Germa Kingdom's royal castle. Franky, Sanji, and the samurai's head then met up with Nami, Chopper, and the children and busted out of PH-006 and ran into the G-5 Marines, Smoker, Tashigi, and Law. The Sunny group later saw enemy ships approaching them from the front and Sanji defended Carrot from Daifuku's genie. Uniquely, it also gives him a mask to wear over his nose and mouth, as well as a pair of sunglasses and a set of earphones on the top of his head. Stomping on his face to revive him, Sanji pulled him out of the ground asking if he's alright. [148], Upon seeing Luffy after Pekoms exited the Mirro-World with him and a captured Brle, Sanji reported to the group on the Thousand Sunny. Zoro questioned why Sanji was acting strangely, and Sanji uncomfortably pointed out that his body has felt off since he first used his Raid Suit. Pudding enlisted the help of Whole Cake Island's 31 most renowned head chefs, and at the Sweets Factory, she altered their memories to make them believe the wedding had gone smoothly and Big Mom's first cake had been destroyed by bad weather. [223] As thanks for helping Luffy, the crew agreed to take Caribou with them and drop him off at the first island[224] but forced him to travel in a barrel. Upon returning to the Sunny, Sanji was embraced by Nami and Brook. After being injured by Doflamingo, Sanji wore bandages around his chest and wore his shirt and suit jacket unbuttoned and over his shoulders. Interestingly enough, the Straw Hats' chef names most of his attacks based on food ingredients or cooking procedures in French. Origin: After Bege noticed that Nekomamushi was standing behind him, Nami, Chopper, and Brook plead for Sanji to stay with them. The Thousand Sunny later approached Dressrosa. After reminiscing of Zeff's teachings, Sanji answered that he was just following the old laws of the universe. He figured that Law's plan was to have Doflamingo and Kaidou fight each other and assured Chopper that Law will be fine if he can escape. Tesoro managed to capture Zoro and gave the Straw Hats until 12:00 the next night to repay their debt, or else he would kill Zoro. The two exchanged attacks, with Queen constantly demanding that Sanji use his Raid Suit. When Some walked across the floor to get her pet mouse, Queen foolishly revealed he had punished her earlier for declining his services after Komurasaki's death. Sanji then informed the ex-Warlord about Nami's suffering at the hands of Arlong and warned him that what he said next would determine on whether or not he should be forgiven. Everyone enjoyed a feast together. Odex English VA: Without a doubt, the Wano Country arc is the best that Oda has produced after the time-skip and possibly in the entirety of One Piece. Nami then slapped Sanji in anguish for his insults. The team pulled out of the conflict quickly, knowing they could not split up there. The first technique Sanji uses against . After getting disguises so no one would recognize them from the newspaper, the group headed to a restaurant to grab a bite to eat. Manga pre [31] This was confirmed when Sanji and Franky defeated the masked men and found out that they had goat legs as well. Kin'emon proceeded to attack the Slimes with his Kitsunebi-ryu to cut the slimes as well as the fire caused by the subsequent explosion, and clear a path for the four of them. Suddenly, a timer appeared, and Carina stated that the ship would sink once it reached zero. He wears a black double-breasted suit with golden buttons and a yellow dress shirt together with a brown tie. Later, they found some thugs taking advantage of a blind man while taking away his money in roulette. After Vito reminded an imprisoned Caesar that Sanji's upcoming marriage will bring the Charlotte and Vinsmoke families together, Sanji reiterated his refusal to marry and told Vito to get out. [208] Queen eventually caught up to him, and Sanji engaged him in combat again. Judge countered by telling Sanji that he had never considered Sanji a true son of his, and had only sought him out as a dispensable means of sealing his alliance with Big Mom, which would guarantee the success of the Vinsmokes' attempts to reconquer the North Blue. When he saw that Pudding was beautiful, Sanji became love-struck. Collier Strike: This technique is a new version of Collier Shoot, but now combined with Diable Jambe. Later, while flying through the air on the Sunny, he commented that the crew should not force Jinbe into a corner about joining if he has personal business to take care of. Having escaped Oven, Sanji and the chefs proceeded with adding decorations to the cake. Judge and Sanji began their duel in a courtyard outside the castle. $29.95. The Straw Hats defeated the Long Long Pirates, and watched as the proprietor of Gran Tesoro, Gild Tesoro, encased the remaining enemy pirates in gold. [73], Sanji decided to go save the Sunny while Zoro and Kin'emon stayed behind at the Corrida Colosseum. After Luffy finally defeated Hody, Sanji was seen standing on an almost-spherical Wadatsumi, who kept asking whether he was surprised yet. While Team A, Luffy and Franky, would infiltrate the hotel and disable several Eizo Den Den Mushi that served as security cameras, the rest of them, Team B, would sneak inside and make their way to the door to the Hyper Suite Room. [178], On the day of the Fire Festival, the Straw Hats sailed to Tokage Port on the Thousand Sunny to join the Scabbards and enter the battle with the Beasts Pirates. Law then took Giolla hostage, giving Nami's group enough time to escape, using Coup de Burst. He then kicked Wadatsumi and scorched him up all over, sending the giant crashing back down. The Straw Hats entered Gran Tesoro, and were showered with gold in the entrance. When the woman informed Robin that she had been summoned to Orochi's sitting room, Sanji praised Robin. Sanji also wondered how Nami had grown during these two years while having a nose bleed. @NamikazeSheena For some reason, I seem to remember at least one occasion where sanji did not spin but his foot lit up after the timeskip. Chopper then tended to Hatchan's wounds while the doctor and Sanji were met with accusations from the Fish-Man Island citizens. [187] Sanji watched with amusement as Luffy rushed forward and took out one of the Numbers. [176] They later joined a meeting with several key alliance members at Amigasa Village. [99], On the day before the wedding, Sanji trembled as he watched his two older brothers return to the Germa Kingdom. Right after this exchange, Kin'emon suddenly appeared and surprised Sanji, who proceed to defeat the men pursuing Kin'emon. They then watched Momonosuke's broadcasted speech as he took on the mantle of shogun. When Robin announced that the newspaper had arrived with their new bounties, Sanji begged to see them but was crushed to find out his bounty was below Zoro's and Jinbe's. It also slicks the front of his hair into two parts, one pointing up and one pointing down. [210] Sanji's attack was able to make Queen get blown back quite a distance but Queen eventually makes his way back to Sanji, where he reveals he heard him talking with Zoro earlier and believes that he can't win against King, telling him that he is a Lunarian, and they could survive in any harsh conditions before they were wiped out. Joseph Murray (Episodes 2067);Paul Pistore (Episodes 68+) This also revealed that the masked people possessed ram horns, making him wonder if they were sheep. Sanji saw his new bounty of 330,000,000 and was pleased to have a higher bounty than Zoro but was dismayed that his family name was included on the poster. Law complied and switched them back. As the Sunny passed by Judge's castle, Sanji listened as Judge asked Luffy why he risked his life to rescue Sanji. The okamas bid Sanji farewell and said that they hoped to see him again someday. Gotti, furious at Sanji's disrespect towards Vito, aimed his weapon at Sanji as Vito tried to calm Gotti. After Hawkins spotted Nami, her towel fell off and Sanji got a nosebleed from seeing Nami's naked body and revealed himself in the process. Sanji passed the information on to Zoro but the pair started their usual arguing, with Sanji speaking to Zoro like a child and Zoro saying that he will cut Sanji later. Sanji then carried Luffy again after the latter declared that he would defeat Big Mom after taking down Kaidou. When Kaidou arrived at Kuri, Law alerted the group. Judge then called upon his men to form a wall between the two of them. However, Sanji was thinking about Violet while Momonosuke was telling his story. When the situation grew more dire, they were surprised when Wadatsumi appeared and attacked the enemy. After a gruesome battle, Fisher Tiger suffered a critical bloodloss and could have been saved with a blood transfusion, but humans refused to help him. [130], As the castle collapsed, Luffy's group, Bege's crew, and the Vinsmoke Family got away. Sanji was initially shaken from his own actions, but he quickly grabbed the bento box and ran as guards were coming to his location. Sanji later left the balcony while Pudding altered Reiju's memories. Later when Boa Hancock aided the Straw Hat Pirates by intercepting a Marine ship, Sanji "turned to stone" simply at the sight of her and quickly became jealous of Luffy when he heard that he was friends with Hancock and was sent to the all-female Amazon Lily. Her brother Daifuku then intervened, summoning a genie and slapping Pudding aside for failing in her task before attacking Sanji with the genie. Episode 516, titled "Luffy's Training Commences - 2 Years From Now at the Promised Place", premiered on September 25, 2011 as the final episode of Season 14. Law then told everyone present about a way off the island but would have two hours to escape. Resuming its attack again, Zoro and the others began to run again, deciding to head for the research facility to find Kin'emon's son. Finally, when the crew reached New world, Sanji was seen with the crew remarking on raging flame seas of New World. Luffy gave Sanji's group permission to continue on to Zou and allowed Sanji to counterattack against Big Mom's ship. Zoro get instantly worked up when he noticed that Shusui was missing. While riding on Rabiyan, Sanji thanked Pudding for her help, causing her to become extremely flustered. [199] He was surprised when Tama appeared on the stage to activate her ability,[200] though protected her from Queen with Collier Strike when the All-Star targeted her after she did. Queen then met up with King, and when the pair begin to attack Marco, Marco does nothing to stop them. [184] He soon separated from the two groups and went somewhere on his own. In response, Sanji immediately kicked Kuni's head into the ground. At first Sanji protested, but Nami was firm in her decision. Luffy agreed to a Davy Back Fight rematch, and Sanji, Luffy, and Zoro took part in the first round, where they had to eat as many mushrooms as possible. [46], Sanji began to fiercely fight Vergo, stating that he was someone his captain would hate. Sanji thanked them for giving him a ride back and told them to give Ivankov his best before running off to find Nami and Nico Robin and exclaiming that he had returned from "hell". Sanji was then deeply shocked to see that Zoro was acquainted with her. The Pirate Ganzack, Germa 66's Ahh An Emotionless Excursion. After hearing Nami will bet in the casino, Usopp became concerned so he demonstrated a showed to perform at the city. He also wears dress shoes, mostly for his Black Leg Style. Before the timeskip, Sanji is seen with his blonde hair covering his right eye; however, after the timeskip, his hair covers his left eye. While cooking, Sanji watched the volleyball game between Nami and Chopper versus Robin and Franky. The Straw Hats were sailing when they suddenly encountered Myskina Olga and her steed Elizabeth and brought them onboard. He also slightly trimmed his beard. Chiffon took the lead as she petitioned for Sanji to help them make a cake to satiate Big Mom's eating disorder, and Sanji readily agreed to assist them. He then promptly suffered another huge nose bleed from looking at Nami and had to receive a blood transfusion from Chopper. [145], Sanji and Pudding later went ahead to Cacao Island to help Luffy.