All life forms will receive the messages from the twins.. those that fly, the plants, even the rabbit. There will be messengers that will precede this coming of the Purifier. One of the Hopi elders who was quite vocal about his beliefs in UFOs was the late Chief Dan Katchongva of the Hopi Sun Clan. The story of the Blue Kachina is a very old story, very old. They will bring many of their star family with them in the final days. They tell us of two brilliant comets a blue one and a red one both of which may be part of comet swarms, that will usher in profound changes at the end of the Fourth World. Its interpretation is: The large human figure on the left is the Great Spirit. The legend of the Blue Kachina also corresponds with Mayan prophecies and the Planet X theory, suggesting an interdependence between Hopi assumptions and those of the Mayan civilization. Those who remember who their mother and father is. An ancient Hopi prophecy states that when the Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance in the heavens, the Fifth World will emerge.. Supposed to be visible within the next 2 years by telescope. Waters suggested that World War III will begin and the United States will be ripped apart by war, leaving only the Hopis and their homeland intact. These are the places that Shaman go into the earth to do their most sacred work. The Sixth Sign was, the land shall be criss-crossed by rivers of stone that makes pictures in the sun. This refers to the concrete highways that create mirage-like effects under the scorching sun. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. In the final days, the Blue Star Kachina will come to be with his nephews, and they will return the Earth to its natural rotation, which is counter-clockwise. According to Waters, the Blue Star is the ninth sign in the Day of Purification, which is a prophecy that predicts that the world will end in a catastrophic way. When the First World was destroyed, people returned from the ground to the outer world to live as ants for the continuation of the Second World. So intense will the nature of the changes be that those who are weak in spiritual awareness will go insane, for we are nothing without spirit. These white feather saw with his eyes. It will come when the Saquasohuh (Blue Star) Kachina dances in the plaza and removes its mask. [10] Ibid, p 206. No thing living will go untouched, here or in the heavens. 26K views 2 years ago In Hopi oral History, the Blue Star Kachina or Saquasohuh, is a kachina or spirit, that will signify the coming of the beginning of the new world by appearing in the. One will come as a warning to humanity to change their ways, while the second will come as the . From the above descriptions, it seems obvious that the Hopi prophecies revolve around the appearance in the skies above earth of two large comets. For much of reality will not be as it is now. Tawa is the creator, and it was he who formed the "First World" out of Tokpella, or endless space, as well as its original inhabitants. His sons have all joined his ancestors, and soon he too shall be with them. He will bring with him the sacred stone tablets. We will receive many warnings allowing us to change our ways from below the Earth as well as above. This event would tell us that the end times are very near. The prophecy describes a heavenly being called the Blue Star whose arrival on Earth will signal the beginning of the end times. We will awaken to the Red Dawn. He is the Son of Man of Christianity, the Kalki Avatar of the Hindus and the Rudra Chakrin of the Buddhists, who is prophesized to return with great power and glory from the heavens, riding a white horse, followed by a celestial army, in order to kill the evil ones, save the righteous, and establish the Kingdom of God on Earth. The Chupacabra: Could There be FOUR Different Types? Now, the kachina are a large number of spirits (more than 300) representing ancestors, stars, planets, birds, animals, plants, mountains, clouds or invisible forces - who answer to the prayers of the Hopi and bestow blessings in the form of health, joy, rain and good harvest. They say that toward the final phase of our current Fourth World, the Blue Star Kachina (Sakwa Sohu) will dance in the village plaza and then remove his mask. The 9th Stage of the Hopi Prophecy - Blue Star Kachina/Comet ISON Nope. An ancient Hopi Indian prophecy states, " When the Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance in the heavens, the Fifth World will emerge ". Our relatives from the Stars are coming home to see how well we have fared in our journey.[14], This prophecy is replete with intriguing symbolisms and extraordinary claims. Comets have historically been described as hairy stars. The Saquasohuh refers to a spirit that will appear in the form of a blue star to signify the beginning of the new world. . Given that some of the foretold events already appear to be underway, it seems that epochal changes lie in store for us in the not-too-distant future. It also speaks about the manifestation of nine signs foretelling this world-changing event. "This fact is evidenced in many petraglyphs that speak of the Zodiac, and within the Mayan and Egyptian pyramids. This fact is evidenced in many petraglyphs that speak of the Zodiac, and within the Mayan and Egyptian pyramids. The Hopi Indians known as the "People of Peace", primarily reside in the desert highlands of northeastern Arizona on the Hopi Reservation. There will be those who would walk in the body that are not from this reality, for many of the gateways that once protected us will be opened, there will be much confusion. Hello, sign in. The Hopi say that the person impersonating the kachina becomes imbued with the spirit of the kachina and loses his personal identity. We understand that he will return from the East, along with many people of the rising sun, free the Hopi people from persecution, and fulfill the plan of life given by Masaw. {"cookieName":"wBounce","isAggressive":false,"isSitewide":true,"hesitation":"1","openAnimation":"lightSpeedIn","exitAnimation":"flip","timer":"","sensitivity":"","cookieExpire":"15","cookieDomain":"","autoFire":"","isAnalyticsEnabled":false}, Water Pollution Causes, Effects and Possible Solutions, What Pressure Care Is and How It Can Be Delivered, Hilot: an Ancient Filipino Art of Healing, Legends and Stories of Bodhisattva Vajrapani, Hecate: Goddess of the Moon, Light and Magic in Greek Mythology and Religion, Moses Was High on Hallucinogenic Drug When he Received The Ten Commandments. There are fears that even China may also get drawn into a conflict against the western powers. The Blue Star Kachina (seven blue stars of the Pleiades) will dance in the plaza (in the sun, or actually behind the sun) wearing a mask (eclipsed by the moon). Frank Waters also wrote about Saquasohuh, the Blue Star Kachina in The Book of the Hopi, The story came from Grandfather Dan, Oldest Hopi. He can be reached at [emailprotected] and via his website Ancient Inquiries: The Hopi were brought here in the First World by Hopi Gods where they met the Ant People . Those who stay and live in the places of my people shall also be safe. The Hopi name for the star Sirius is Blue Star Kachina. The older brother's mission when he returned was to help his younger brother (Hopi) bring about peace, brotherhood and everlasting life. Then one morning in a moment. THE HOPI PROPECY of the Blue & Red Star Kachina's. Do you remember back in 1997, the Hopi Elders appeared with Dr. Robert Ghost Wolf on Art Bells Coast to Coast show, they spoke to millions of wary listeners around the world as they. This will signal the beginning of a great war, which, the Hopi believe, will be a spiritual conflict with material matters. Many of my people, understanding the prophecies, shall be safe. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. A detailed version of the Hopi prophecy for the End-Times was presented by Dr. Robert Ghost Wolf in the book LAST CRY: Native American Prophecies & Tales of the End Times. This is Kachina rock with the Blue Star. So, what the prophecy essentially tells us is that, the dance of the Blue Star kachina in the plaza will herald the appearance of the Blue Star i.e. Hopi Indians, hopis, hopie prophecies, predictions and visions about the end of our world, the ninth sign is the arrival of Blue Star, this sign happened on Dec 11th 2009, hopipredictions, ancient Hopi Indian prophecy states, when the Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance in the heavens, the Fifth World will emerge, this will be the Day of Purification, the Hopi name for the star Sirius is . Those who are saved will share everything equally and they all will recognize Great Spirit and speak one language.. . After that, all Hopi ceremonies would cease entirely. This was presented by NOAA as needful data for pilots and navigators at sea. Hopi Prophecy speaks of the return of the Blue Kachina, or Star People at the end of this cycle of time. Very soon after this, the ceremonies of my people will cease". Flowers will bloom again, wild game will return to barren lands, and there will be abundance of food for all. - Blue Star Fulfilling Prophecy - Miriam Delicado. Only those which come will cause disease and a great dying. The land shall be crisscrossed by a giant spiders web. The Mystery of New York's Renegade Subway Psychic, Forget About What We Know About Roswell: It's What's Missing About the Case That We Need to Look For, Archeologists Discover Another Secret Corridor Inside the Great Pyramid of Giza. They will leave messages to those on Earth who remember the old ways. The Blue Star Kachina would remove his mask in the village plaza during a sacred kachina dance. White Feather told David Young much the same thing: that a global nuclear conflict will erupt soon after the Ninth Sign is fulfilled and the Blue Star makes its appearance in the skies. [12] Ibid p 202. It is still not clear from this who the white brother Pahana really was. [5], The ninth and final sign of destruction is described by White Feather (via Waters) as, "You will hear of a dwelling-place in the heavens, above the earth, that shall fall with a great crash. from WolfLodge Website Spanish version . The return of Pahana is a momentous event that the Hopi people have been waiting for a long time. He wrote that, The end of all Hopi ceremonialism will come when a kachina removes his mask during a dance in the plaza before uninitiated children.[2]. Colavito wrote: "The strong Christian apocalyptic themes in the prophecy make plain that Young was likely far more than the mere transmitter of the prophecies"[2], Although there was evidence these were circulated in pamphlets in 1959, the earliest printed mention Colavito found of them is in 1980 in "Rolling Thunder: The Coming Earth Changes" by Joey R. They will come and visit to see who still remembered the original teachings, flying in their Patuwvotas, or flying shields. Every living thing will be offered the opportunity to change from the largest to the smallest thing. Furthermore, another link is formed between the Hopi legend of Pahana and the Mesoamerican myth of Quetzalcoatl, connecting the Hopi to certain North American Indian cultures who worship the Horned Serpent. those who cling together. This event would tell us that the end times are very near. [1] On a blistering hot summer day in 1958, a minister named David Young was driving along a highway in New Mexico, when he saw an elderly Indian walking along the roads gravel shoulder. [16] Likewise, early Dakota legends speak of the Pleiades, or Tiyami, as the abode of the ancestors. Is this yet another wrongfully-interpreted prophecy, a metaphoric cow milked to exhaustion by authors with no other interest than to sell their books? so that it becomes increasingly difficult for us to ignore them. All the mysteries and the powers in the Above belonged to Tawa, while Spider Woman controlled the magic of the Below. Chapters in this large format study guide include: * American Indians How Do They Fit Into the UFO Puzzle? [7] However, if successful in bringing the symbols and finding those who still follow the true Hopi way of life, the world will be created anew and all the faithful will be saved from destruction. 72, p.86, SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS),[7] Manilius 1.884, taken from "Observations of Comets in Greek and Roman Sources Before A.D. 410", p.86[8] Frank Waters, Book of the Hopi, Ballantine Books, New York, 1963, p 38.
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