With medium-weight varmint bullets up through the semi-heavy, long-range bullets such as Barnes 85-grain Match Burner (BC .410), Hornadys 88-grain ELD-Match (BC .545) or Noslers 85-grain RDF (BC .498), the Valkyrie performs beautifully. Here is what Ive found works with best in my reloads. Trimming prevents the case mouth from growing too long and jamming against the step in the front of the chamber. Maximum overall length is 2.260 inches. As air density becomes thinner, max supersonic range extends. And it runs comfortably through a standard AR-15 action. In just five years, he has earned an impressive shooting resume with consistent top finishes at national level events. Varget hits the sweet spot for the best performance in this cartridge.. (After I completed my loading and shooting for this report, Hodgdon added load data for three additional bullets: the Sierra 50-grain BlitzKing, Swift 62-grain Scirocco, and the Sierra 69-grain Tipped MatchKing, and their loads are shown in the data section of this manual.). Through shooting, Zach has met many people in the shooting community. Dianna has been highlighted by the NRA in American Warrior, the Washington Post and NRA Women. Sign up with your email address to receive news and updates. Each week the Schearer family will hunt with a variety of weapons from archery, muzzleloader and shotgun to centerfire rifles and will not only focus on the hunt, but will be filled with educational tips to make the viewers better sportsmen and sportswomen. We are engineers, reloading enthusiasts and operate one of the most powerful ballistics calculators. To get started, click the link below to visit mymagnow.com and learn how to access your digital magazine. Chris Johnson, FN Senior Product Manager, walks us through two new FN striker-fired pistols at SHOT Show 2023: the FN 510 Tactical, chambered in 10mm Auto, and the FN 545 Tactical, chambered in .45 ACP. This resulted in COLs shorter than 2.26 inches for some bullets, even the longer ones, but most bullets worked fine at 2.26 inches. Subscriber Services. No reviews found. 224 Valkyrie Web Data 1.21.21.xlsx Author: carterc1 Created Date: 1/21/2021 3:04:40 PM . Its explosive expansion provides a violent energy release on impact for quick kills on varmints and predators. Load data for 46 loads in caliber .224 Valkyrie with .224 | 77gr | Nosler Custom Competition bullet including underlying parameters such as bullet length, cartridge length and case capacity. Pretty good info on the 224 Valkyrie Apr 6, 2019 #9 D Dwh7271 Handloader Nov 18, 2013 2,461 1 I really like the cartridge. During his time, Phillip completed 4 overseas deployments and served in all billets available to a Scout Sniper, to include Scout Sniper Team Leader, Chief Scout Sniper, and Scout Sniper Instructor. The 224 Valkyrie is built to defeat wind drift and drop, and the 60-grain Nosler Ballistic Tip Varmint maximizes these built-in ballistics with a sleek, thin-jacket, polymer-tipped bullet. 300 Winchester Magnum. One of the virtues of the Valkyrie is that its maximum cartridge overall length (COL) is 2.26 inches so that it will fit in an AR magazine. A large portion of the Valkyries mass appeal is in fast rifling twist rates in the neighborhood of 1:7, allowing the use of heavy-for-caliber bullets, though standard 55-grain bullets are certainly compatible. Our products lead the pack, because theyre built with equal parts ingenuity and integrity, passion and precision, consistency and confidence. The new 9mm suppressor can mount easily to any pistol barrel threaded x28 inches and doesn't compromise on sound suppression, gas blowback or recoil. Don't see a load you want to use or want to input your own? You wont settle, and neither will we. Diannas also won the 2015 NRA World Shooting Championship Ladies title. models. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. The Judge has been promoted! Phillip is also well known as a nationally ranked precision rifle competitor in the Precision Rifle Series and National Rifle League circuits. rifle.204. Facing off in a handgun challenge featuring the smallest professional-grade enclosed red dot sight on the market, Eric and Tom put the Acro P-2 to the distance test by doing a walk-back challenge. Residing in Cheney Washington, Jake Vibbert owns JC Steel targets Inc. and is a strong competitor in the Precision Rifle Series and the National Rifle League. The same projectile made legendary with victories on Camp Perrys 1,000-yard range during the National Matches. The rifle used for load testing is pretty typical in the AR era, a rifle my father built from an Anderson Manufacturing lower and replacement .224 Valkyrie upper. The 22 Nosler's 30-degree shoulder (the .223 Rem. Walker loves waterfowl hunting with his black lab Pow. She recently took on the role of Southwest Regional Director for the Precision Rifle Series. "Shooting heavier bullets, in an AR-platform rifle, that maintain supersonic speeds beyond 1,300 yards has captured the interest of shooters and handloaders everywhere. The other data are from loads developed in rifles that I own. Here you will find load data for some of the most recent cartridges on the market, with more being added frequently. 308 Winchester. I'm not a new hand loader, just new to this cartridge. A Luth-AR buttstock with adjustable LOP and comb height and 15-inch M-Lok forend were added. After graduating college, Ryan moved to Tulsa, OK to take a position as a plastics engineer and in 2011 began shooting 3-Gun competitively. Designed to rival the .22 Nosler while still running well in ARs, the new .224 Valkyrie offers excellent long-range performance when loaded with modern, high-BC bullets. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Dropping down to a 16-incher begins to enter cartridge-crippling territory. My handloads fared well in the accuracy department. Thats important for high-volume shooting. The heaviest Nosler factory load is its 85-grain RDF hollowpoint, whereas Federal offers two 90-grain Valkyrie loads: Fusion MSR 90-grain spitzer boattail and 90-grain Sierra MatchKing. They are impressed by the light recoil and how cheap it is compared to buying new AA shells for practice or matches. The .224 Valkyrie was designed by Federal Ammunition in 2017. Load Data / Description. As an aside, this is one potential down side to the .224 Valkyrie: Light bullets have to jump a considerable distance before engaging the rifling. And in many conditions particularly at higher altitudes where the air is thin a 1:7 twist does stabilize the 90-grain SMK adequately. The desire to know, when, how, and if he should take these shots along with an unquenched thirst for competition, lead Brian to shoot precision rifle events. Any thoughts? All loads functioned perfectly through the magazine at the COLs shown in the chart. Subscribe to the free newsletter and do not miss any news or promotions. Shes also the co-director of her local club, the AZ LRPRS, assisting in facilitating monthly matches throughout the year. The .224 Valkyrie (5.641 mm) [5] cartridge is a .22 caliber (5.6 mm) rimless bottlenecked intermediate rifle cartridge, developed by Federal Premium Ammunition to rival the performance of the .22 Nosler, while still being compatible with modern sporting rifles (MSRs). Because the bolt of an AR-15 unlocks and begins to cam the case rearward out of the chamber while the bullet is still in the bore and the chamber still pressurized, cases get stretched. Joe Kurtenbach and Caleb Giddings also look at the first-ever optics-ready carry revolvers with the new Taurus 605 and 856 T.O.R.O. Then select your bullet weight, powder manufacturer and powder type. Posted: 3/5/2011 9:01:26 AM EST [#6] Smart guy, that's one . After trimming to length, chamfer and deburr case mouths. The best group was .80 moa with a 77 Sierra tipped matchking. For us, excellence is not negotiable. It does this while maintaining a pleasant shooting demeanor. Todd is a competitive shooter and firearms instructor. Rifle Data. Here is some data for the 60 Nosler BT, and the Sierra 90 SMK _____ Worrying is like a rocking chair. Find a Dealer PUBLIC SHOWROOM HOURS Monday - Friday, 10:00 am to 5:00 pm PST CORPORATE HOURS Monday - Friday, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm PST PRIVACY All Guns and Ammo subscribers now have digital access to their magazine content. The new-for-2023 lineup includes ultralight hunting stocks and a VGA 2-pound adjustable vertical-grip stock. This prevents the latter from chambering in a gun . To comply with the new e-Privacy directive, we need to ask for your consent to set the cookies. Caleb Giddings, Marketing Manager at Taurus, introduces the all-new TaurusTX 22 Compact. Her assignments included Patrol, Street Crimes, Narcotics, and Gangs. Author: Patrick Meitin / Wolfe Publishing. Ive seen shooters pounding on their charging handles in an attempt to eject stuck reloads. Once-fired Starline brass held an average of 30.7 grains of water, filled to the rim and with a spent primer in place, compared to 31.7 and 31.1 grains average for once-fired Federal brass and nickel-plated cases resulting from once-fired factory ammunition. He is also the past Editor of Blackpowder Guns and Hunting Magazine. The rim of the 224 Valkyrie is the same diameter (0.422 inch) as the 6.8 SPCs. Coupled with its outstanding ballistics, this last characteristic is a big deal. Please enter your login details below. (speaking to AR mag length loading) Edit: Case capacity (velocity) for: .223 is 31.4g (3370fps) .224V is 34.5g Caliber: .224 Valkyrie. The 224 Valkyrie is built to defeat wind drift and drop, and the 60-grain Nosler Ballistic Tip Varmint maximizes these built-in ballistics with a sleek, thin-jacket, polymer-tipped bullet. Super Short Magnum. We can help you out! If I had to choose just one propellant for the .224 Valkyrie, it would be CFE-223. As noted, Ball-C(2), H414, and IMR 8208 XBR were also standouts. He is a four-time World Champion, 13-time National Champion, the only Triple Crown winner in Action Shooting Sports and has 600+ (and counting) local and regional shooting competitions. The .223 Remington load has about 10% more bullet drop than the 22 Nosler at 500 yards and the 224 Valkyrie load has about 30 ft-lbs (about 7%) more kinetic energy than the 22 Nosler. Hodgdon, the Brand Thats True, is pleased to announce the launch of load data for the new 224 Valkyriecartridge, now available on Hodgdons Reloading Data Center at www.HodgdonReloading.com. The average group size for all 37 handloads was 0.88 inch. The .224 Valkyrie is the most recent result of the continuing quest to wring more power and range from the AR-15 platform than provided by the original .223 Remington 5.56mm NATO chambering. Ruger's multi-role small frame autoloading rifle - Sear - combines AR-10 power with AR-15 Portability. Its worth noting, however, that screwing a suppressor onto a 16-inch barrel can help minimize those potential pressure-curve issues. I have shot benchrest, F-Class, PRS, ELR, NRL hunter, and field matches. In fact, Jake has compiled more wins than any other Shooter in the United States at national level Precision Rifle Series and National Rifle League events during that span. For us, thats building the most innovative, most accurateand most effectivebullets and ammunition in the industry. 300 Remington Short Action Ultra Magnum (SAUM). When introduced, the .224 Valkyrie sent a tsunami of interest washing through shooters. In practical use, however, Ive seen no discernable degradation in accuracy. In 1999, George opened GA Precision after apprenticing with three gunsmiths. Oct 7, 2016. Give a Gift The 60-grain load was out of stock at this writing, but I obtained and fired samples of the other three. To get started, click the link below to visit mymagnow.com and learn how to access your digital magazine. Then a light flashed in the dim recesses of my mind. 28 nosler (new!) Quickly he was attending weekly, monthly, and annual shoots, which included Nebraska state, USAYESS, and many more. Our products lead the pack, because theyre built with equal parts ingenuity and integrity, passion and precision, consistency and confidence. Hodgdon offers lots of powders suitable for the 224 Valkyrie, including CFE 223 and the IMR Enduron series, all known for limiting jacket fouling. And it runs comfortably through a standard AR-15 action. Handloaders can have a ball concocting their own Valkyrie loads. The name Valkyrie comes from Norse mythology and literally means chooser of the slain. Valkyries were maidens who served the god Odin in his rule over Asgard. Established in 1947 by Bruce and Amy Hodgdon, today, sons JB and Bob have grown Hodgdon Powder Company into the largest US supplier of smokeless, blackpowder and blackpowder substitute propellants. This bullet didnt produce the smallest groups in this test, but a handful of loads were certainly accurate enough to snipe varmints out to 300-350 yards (Federal factory loads with Nosler 60-grain Ballistic Tips produced tighter groups, a bullet with a higher BC). Matching Laods. Don't know your purpose for shooting or your barrel length, but after testing a variety of AR barrel lengths, using Lake City Brass, CCI and VVN140 (starting right around 23.6 gr) and VVN530 has worked nicely and consistently with barrels starting at 12" through 20" and 69 gr Sierra's. The .24 Nosler, so far as I know, is available only in Nosler's bolt-action rifles. Introduced by Federal 2017 and approved by SAAMI in 2018, the new 224 Valkyrie has been quickly adopted by long-range shooters. Below are my personal favorite loads for my two 28 Nosler Browning X-Bolt rifles, a Long Range Stainless Stalker with a 1 in 9 twist that my kids named The Black Pearl and a Long Range Gray Laminate with a 1 in 8 twist rate. Other super-slinky bullets come in weights of 75, 77, 80, and 88 grains, with correspondingly high BCs, and it is important to note that heavy hunting bullets also are now available. The 224 Valkyries body diameter is the same as the 6.8 SPCs, so 6.8 SPC magazines are required for the Valkyrie. The 224 Valkyrie is designed for long-range shooting, whether it be steel or paper targets, varmints, or small- to medium-sized big game. This website uses cookies to ensure the best experience possible. Most critically, case length (base to mouth) is short enough to allow loading super-sleek, high-BC bullets with long, fine-entry ogives. Be the first to share your insights. I absolutely love Sierra bullets, but in this case dont bother with the 90-grain MatchKing. Converting an existing .223 Remington 5.56mm AR-15 to .224 Valkyrie is no more difficult than pulling some pins, swapping uppers and adopting a 6.8 SPC magazine, which is exactly how the rifle used for this testing was created. You find 4 loads in caliber .224 Valkyrie with Speer bullets either below or in our load database by clicking the 'Matching Loads' button above. Growing up on a secluded farm in rural southeast Kansas, Ryan spent the greater part of his childhood in the woods, plinking and hunting. Nosler bullets are'nt cheap and to get maximum performance I want maximum information. The truth is, we owe it to you. Do Pistols Benefit From Popular Aftermarket Modifications? Powders include Hodgdon, IMR Dianna Muller earned a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice/Psychology from University of Central Missouri and retired from the Tulsa Police Department after 22 years of service. Ben Voss FN Product Manager talks about the new FN SCAR 15P ultra-compact rifle-caliber pistol at SHOT Show 2023. Phillip Velayo currently serves as Gunwerks Long Range University Lead Instructor. Yes, this adds expense, but it greatly reduces your case-prep time. Bottom line: There was hardly any difference between my results and the manuals data. 300 Ruger Compact Magnum. My name is Robert Brantley and I have been obsessed with precision rifle since 2007. For over 25 years, he has worked in the firearms industry in product development, working and consulting with small arms manufacturing and related products. The new rifle is built on an aluminum billet chassis with carbon-fiber forend and cheek riser featuring V-block bedding. Ruger's multi-role small frame autoloading rifle - Sear - combines AR-10 power with AR-15 Portability. Obviously this isnt usually a manipulatable option like barrel length is, but if you live high, even a shorter-barreled rifle has a lot of reach. "Shooting heavier . Hodgdon used the Nosler 55-grain Ballistic Tip, Hornady 75-grain ELD Match, Sierra 80-grain MatchKing, and the Federal Fusion 90-grain softpoint for its data. Like many cartridges, .224 Valkyrie started as an attempt to make the AR-15 a more versatile and longer range platform. I simply selected the 90-grain MatchKing from the calculators library, which automatically plugs in Sierras variable, velocity-based ballistic coefficient (BC numbers). For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Results for 85 Nosler RDF's 23.6 grains = .70 23.8 grains = .80 24.2 grains = .54 (This is the one I will work with!) Noslers 62-grain Varmegeddon is an explosive, flat-base varmint bullet with a .251 BC. The 224 Valkyries case provides plenty of capacity, and an ultra-fast 1:7-inch barrel twist rate allows the Valkyrie to push long, heavy-for-caliber bullets to velocities that remain supersonic to 1,300 yards and beyond. He put both rounds in the same hole. It is developed to mimic the long-range ballistics of the popular 6.5 Creedmoor, but in a smaller package, with the attendant reduction in recoil and implementation costs. This is particularly critical to achieving clean, concentric bullet seating. Select your cartridge type from the drop-down list. This spherical propellant yields top velocities in many cartridges such as the 204 Ruger, 223 Remington/5.56mm NATO, 22-250 Remington and the 308 Winchester/7.62mm NATO, plus many, many more. At Hodgdon, weve been researching this cartridge since before its introduction and are excited to release load data for the Valkyrie featuring powders like Hodgdon CFE 223, IMR 8208 XBRand Hodgdon Varget. Address: xxl-reloading.com, Gartenweg 9, 83661 Lenggries, Germany. Dont you love marketing? That way, you can opt for long-range projectiles that stabilize perfectly and provide long-distance-appropriate accuracy in your rifle. You have to admit, the cartridge has some real strengths. Joe Kurtenbach, Executive Editor of Gun & Ammo, and John Myles from Smith & Wesson discuss features of the Equalizer 9mm micro-compact pistol and new-for-2023 M&P 5.7. The SCAR 15P is chambered for 5.56 NATO and, with its 7.5-inch barrel, is the most compact SCAR to date. A resource for shooters with 224 Valkyrie ballistics data. While new load data will continue to be updated on Hodgdons Reloading Data Center, this new 224 Valkyriedata is available immediately at www.HodgdonReloading.com. * All prices incl. Product number: xCID_149_Speer. She remains the only female to take home overall wins in national level precision rifle competitions when she won the 2016 NorCal Tactical Bolt Rifle Challenge and 2018 K&M Kahles Precision Rifle Competition. The Hodgdon lab technicians have been busy and have tested hundreds of load recipes for the new round. I was delighted to prepare and test 224 Valkyrie handloads for this manual. Standard 6.8 SPC AR-15 magazines feed the .224 Valkyrie perfectly. She has since entered the Open division and has competed all over the country at numerous national level events, including the PRS Finale in 2018. The .224-inch diameter bullet has always been readily available in a variety of configurations for a variety of tasks and is a favorite because of its. After serving his country, George spent 20 years serving his community as a police officer. We know who we are and being true to yourself allows you to become the best at what you do. Test bullets included one 62-grain varmint hollowpoint, the remainder chosen to take advantage of the Valkyries long-range talents and weighing 75 to 90 grains with BCs ranging from .362 to .585. She helps organize and coordinate Arizonas own national level event, the Tactical Precision Rifle Challenge. There have been some top 10 ELR finishes as well but I dont remember the specifics. The .224 Valkyrie uses a faster 1:7 twist, thereby giving the ability to properly stabilize that 90-grain MatchKing, and I believe there are 100- and 105-grain models that will be stable with that twist rate. First, I try as many factory loads as I can obtain for comparison. Here you will find load data for some of the most recent cartridges on the market, with more being added each week. Unlock Charge Details Add to wishlist Product number: xLID_B3973_C149 Load Data / Description Manufacturer Metric Measures Reviews Improved performance looks like 75-grain bullets pushed to nearly 3,000 fps and 90-grain bullets delivered at nearly 2,500 fps, allowing projectiles with a ballistic coefficient (BC) greater than .450 to remain supersonic to ranges out to about 1,300 yards. NoslerUSA.com INFORMATION Contact Us Order Status Become A Dealer Employment Industry Program STAY CONNECTED Follow us on social media Facebook Instagram Youtube DEALER LOCATOR Find a Nosler dealer near you. While new load data will continue to be updated, there is currently data for 80 different loads with bullet weights ranging from 50 to 90 grains from Federal, Hornady, Nosler, Sierra and . The .22 Nosler uses a 1:8 twist rate in its barrels, restricting bullet weight to 85 grains or less. ABOUT MARSHA: Marsha is the co-host of Shoot Straight with Chad & Marsha and is a Licensed Montana Professional Guide. If I back it off .14 it comes out to 2.230. Hornadys 75-grain ELD Match (BC .467) and Sierras 77-grain tipped MatchKing (BC .420) are excellent, and both make outstanding crossover long-range varmint and predator bullets. Access the .224 Valkyrie Data via Hodgdon's Reloading Data Center. I don't believe the 22 nosler can handle the high BC bullets like the 90g SMK. She has a passion to introduce the shooting sports and showcase gun owners and the 2nd Amendment in a positive light. All bullets except the Sierra 90-grain MatchKing varied only about 0.7 percent. Kaliber:.224 Valkyrie: Men schlieen Nosler Nosler ist ein traditionelle Familienunternehmen, welches im Jahr 1948 gegrndet wurde. By a longshot. For volume loading, these three spherical powders and IMR 8208 XBR metered with great uniformity. If youre a Sierra disciple, opt for the 80-grain MatchKing (BC .461), which stabilizes comfortably in the .224 Valkyries 1:7 twist. Its a great example of optimism. We are engineers, reloading enthusiasts and operate one of the most powerful ballistics calculators. Being a ballistic geek, I entered the Valkyries data into a ballistic calculator (jbmballistics.com) to study its downrange numbers. Brian spent three years in Spokane as a Zag until his baseball career was cut short by a tragic plane accident that took the lives of his parents and younger sister. Just like most great cartridges, its lineage is further proof that we can't leave well-enough alone. If there was a trend, it was that with the starting loads, the 55- and 75-grain bullet velocities varied the least, while the 80- and 90-grainers showed somewhat more, but in opposite directions (80 grains, -37 fps; 90 grains, +33 fps). Due to the Valkyries newer status, nearly all load data involves modern, temperature-insensitive propellants with cleaner burning properties and/or copper-erasing agents. Interestingly, the 88-grain Hornady bullet was designed specifically to fill the void left by the lack of 90-grain SMK performance in 1:7-twist rifling. For us, thats building the most innovative, most accurateand most effectivebullets and ammunition in the industry. Although real-world performance is likely a tad shy of advertised performance, that really doesnt bother me. Federal lists four factory loads for the 224 Valkyrie: a varmint load with the Nosler 60-grain Ballistic Tip; an American Eagle 75-grain TMJ load for inexpensive blasting; a Gold Medal Match load that shoots the sleek Sierra 90-grain MatchKing; and a Fusion 90-grain softpoint load for hunters. To achieve a modicum of versatility, the rifling twist could not be 1:6 or faster it had to be 1:7 or slower. Mar 28, 2021. For long-range work, bullets from the Sierra MatchKing line worked well with CFE 223, LEVERevolution, and IMR 8208 XBR. In essence, the extractor heaves back on the case rim whilst the case walls are still firmly gripping the chamber walls. Hornadys new 88-grain ELD Match bullet has a BC of .545 and is loaded in the companys 224 Valkyrie ammo. All but 2-3 of those are with handloadedammo. The Swift Scirocco II favored Ball-C(2) and grouped close to a half-inch. After starting a life and career in Tulsa, she pursued barrel racing until she found 3-Gun in 2009. Second, I prepare and shoot what I call calibration loads. For these I review pressure-tested load data in the manual and select the powders that gave the highest velocities with the bullets tested. In her free time, she shoots in NRL22 club matches around the Kansas City area, where she lives with her husband Shane and where she works as a pharmacist. In that time I have used it for both hunting and competition. Sierra Bullets Load Data for .224 Valkyrie (Partial Sample) The new .224 Valkyrie was introduced late last year as a Hot Rod cartridge that will work in AR15s. Loaded with 60 to 62-grain polymer-tipped or hollowpoint bullets, the Valkyrie offers a wonderful long-range/windy day varmint option, while heavier numbers make it ready for light big-game duties, including pronghorn, deer and especially wild hogs, or for banging steel way out there. 7mm-08 remington 7x57mm mauser 284 . However, Federals designers submitted the .224 Valkyrie to SAAMI the governing body that approves and publishes standardized cartridge specs with a twist rate of 1 turn in 7 inches. The Nosler 85 RDF hits the lands at 2.244. All powders used were either ball-type or fine stick powders that meter consistency through progressive-press throwers, allowing smoother volume loading. The game hooked me, but I fell in love with the people! Since returning to competition on 2009, Dianna has earned a plethora of High Lady wins, including the 2013 and 2016 USPSA Ladies Open National Championship. Well never sacrifice quality for cost. I went with 14 instead o 15 so I would get a round number! I have visited this lab, and it is highly sophisticated. This data is available for 80 different loads featuring 50- to 90-grain bullet options (from Hornady, Nosler, Federal, Swift and Sierra) and powders from Hodgdon, IMR and Winchester. Before preparing the handloads, I realized good shooting results require a good gun, so I chose a brand-new CMMG Model Mk4 DTR2 with a 24-inch barrel and a 1:7-inch twist. I'll swing by the store soon and check a Nosler manual for load data. Chris Johnson, FN Senior Product Manager, walks us through two new FN striker-fired pistols at SHOT Show 2023: the FN 510 Tactical, chambered in 10mm Auto, and the FN 545 Tactical, chambered in .45 ACP. . Do Pistols Benefit From Popular Aftermarket Modifications? Ryan has volunteered for HAVA and Freedom Hunters events getting wounded vets into competition and/or hunting. The 22-inch, stainless steel barrel includes a medium-contour, 1:7 twist, full-length flutes and is threaded to hold a muzzle brake or suppressor. After prepping cases, priming and charging with powder, seat your bullets. The new RIA 5.0 Sporting Pistol from Rock Island Armory features a patented RVS Recoil system that maximizes barrel mass and linear movement to give shooters super soft recoil. This, combined with the extremely good BCs of the bullet options discussed earlier, will help you reach way, way out there and realize the full potential of the cartridge. However, the .224 Valkyrie has one other apparent flaw that didnt emerge immediately. The rounded ogive of this relatively short bullet required seating nearly .20-inch shorter than the maximum 2.26 inches, even an OAL only .095-inch longer than the adopted 2.065 inches failed to chamber fully and allow the rifle to fire. While firearms manufacturers list 224 Valkyrie rifles with various barrel lengths, reports from serious experimenters indicate the 224 Valkyrie shoots all bullets best in a 24-inch barrel, and Hodgdons load and pressure data were developed in a test barrel of that length. The SCAR 15P is chambered for 5.56 NATO and, with its 7.5-inch barrel, is the most compact SCAR to date. Doubling that will come close to including practice rounds spent at his one-of-a-kind shooting range he built on the edge of the Snake River Canyon. #1. Because it uses the 6.8 SPC as its parent case, the .224 Valkyrie fits and functions in any quality AR-15 magazine designed for the 6.8 SPC and/or 22 Nosler. We include muzzle velocity, energy and bullet drop for the most popular 224 Valk loads available on the U.S. market. Basic Load Data Hornady Manufacturing Company develops and publishes reloading data for the Handbook of Cartridge Reloading. Click "Get Data" to view results. Plus, it exacerbates action-cycling issues by requiring a gas system that is almost too short for the .224 Valkyries pressure curve. models. **Min: 21.1gr81.0%4287378%2674100%2569100%Max: *. In 2016, Phillip was nominated for Scout Sniper Instructor of the Year for his meticulous instruction that resulted in institutional changes in the training of Marine Scout Snipers in both formal schools and unit level training. | Hodgdon Powder Company has announced the launch of reloading data for the new .224 Valkyrie, now available on the company's Reloading Data Center website. You find 17 loads in caliber .224 Valkyrie with Nosler bullets either below or in our load database by clicking the 'Matchin, .224 Valkyrie || .224 | 53gr | Nosler Varmageddon FB, .224 Valkyrie || .224 | 50gr | Nosler Ballistic Tip Lead-Free, .224 Valkyrie || .224 | 55gr | Nosler Varmageddon BTip, .224 Valkyrie || .224 | 70gr | Nosler RDF HPBT, .224 Valkyrie || .224 | 85gr | Nosler RDF HPBT, .224 Valkyrie || .224 | 77gr | Nosler Custom Competition, .224 Valkyrie || .224 | 60gr | Nosler Partition, .224 Valkyrie || .224 | 60gr | Nosler Ballistic Tip, .224 Valkyrie || .224 | 40gr | Nosler Ballistic Tip Lead-Free, .224 Valkyrie || .224 | 55gr | Nosler Expansion Tip, .224 Valkyrie || .224 | 80gr | Nosler Custom Competition.