However, the rumor mill has long been churning stories of Luke and Ahsoka’s first meeting for a while now. And how did you find me?”, he said. Mace also held Obi-Wan in high esteem for his mastery of Form III. In fact, none of the evangelists did. At very least Starkiller died bravely unlike Ahsoka that hide like a coward after Star Wars rebels. Improve this answer . "A few times." The Ahsoka novel addresses it, taking place one year after Order 66. While there were speculations if Ezra Bridger or Ahsoka Tano would rescue Grogu in the finale, the moment of glory belonged to Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) as he showed up to take down the Dark Troopers with absolute disdain and then take Grogu under his wings. She remembered every single moment she had lived in a second. What is her legacy? Wikis. That would imply she’s still alive. She’d decided to teach him a little bit about Jedi history too, even though she had a strange perspective on it. "I would be very glad to meet you again," Luke says. Your thoughts please? With a name like Skywalker and the fame of blowing up Death Star 1. They’d both lost so much, but this put both their minds at rest , Photo Credits:, “so…”, Ahsoka said, “How much do you know about lightsabers?”, Luke took a moment to respond, “Really, nothing…I had my fathers old one but I…lost it when I fought Vader…” Ahsoka was surprised by how hurt she felt that Anakin’s lightsaber was lost…Ugh, she needed to focus…Since Luke knew nothing about lightsabers, she thought she’s better start from the beginning. Good answer, Donmax. If Luke and Leia ever met Ahsoka, I believe it would look like this. Ahsoka had been so upset when he’d lost his father’s lightsaber, how upset would she be when she heard this? And of course she made him do force-control exercises. On FunTalk, Listen English pronunciation from video - The big episode is coming, so here's my theory on what I think could happen with Ahsoka, and later, Luke Skywalker. It’s time for The Gathering.”. They could have seen Anakin as his true self and not as Darth Vader, Theres a good chance they had a brief run in but they prolly didnt fight together, Looks like Gamora got into Trump's spray tan. 1/14/2020. He was in pain, but the light was never driven from him fully. That is until recently, when the internet was abuzz with stories of Luke and Ahsoka’s world finally merging together. “Who are you?”, he replied, looking slightly sceptical. “Who are you? “Hello”,she said, “You’re a hard man to find, you know?”, Getting off the floor, smiling, he said, “I’m Luke, How did you find me?”, “Oh,When you need help, the force provides…and, a little experience always helps.”. “Yes…”, she whispered, “I’m glad you got to meet him, even if only for a moment… Years ago the three of us ran into some powerful Force beings that confirmed Anakin was the chosen one. Both of them!? Ashley Eckstein, teases a Luke Skywalker, Ahsoka meeting, embracing her inner Dave Filoni! I think the whole idea of an Ahsoka show after ROTJ seems a bit out of place. Add new page. Use the dial on the left to adjust the length of the blade.”. Luke wasn’t looking forward to this. "May the force be with you all," Ahsoka says. As she entered the cave, she lit a flashlight, thinking that igniting her lightsabers would probably come off as threatening, and she was here to make friends. "I prefer padawan, apprentice is sith speak." A strange sensation filled her…nostalgia? I really hope she did meet them,because she could have told them about Anakin and Padme. “So…how did you find me?”, “You’re presence is strong…and familiar. His eyes filled with tears…Ahsoka had never seen Anakin cry… “My…my…mother?”, he sniffled. How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends. She almost cried. "She was the apprentice of my father." Anakin and Ahsoka succeed in penetrating the enemy lines while Obi-Wan stalls for time by holding a fake surrender negotiation with the droid army commander. Ahsoka is a ripoff of Starkiller. He had to know how it all happened. User Info: bobbyrk. He’d buried Anakin Skywalker, but he couldn’t destroy him. Donmax Donmax. So did Captain Rex ever meet Luke Skywalker? The young man answered, scuffing his feet. 6,862 8 8 gold badges 37 37 silver badges 74 74 bronze badges. 1 year ago. They went over these for weeks. During the Siege of Mandalore, Ahsoka and Maul had a direct confrontation, in which Ahsoka and her comrades briefly managed to capture the renegade Sith Lord. Not only did Ahsoka Tano make her live-action debut, but she explained Baby Yoda's backstory and revealed that his name was actually Grogu. Thus, the Empire likely won’t find her again, and the First Order in turn won’t have anything to go on. So did Captain Rex ever meet Luke Skywalker? One would assume she and Luke would have to meet at some point and I can't imagine a battle against Thrawn where Leia, Han , and Luke don't show up unless they decide to have Ahsoka and Ezra battle Thrawn and his people in the Unknown Regions. I fought Vader, just like Ben-, ah, Obi Wan said. “Umm…Ahsoka?”, he said softly. "Fulcrum? Ahsoka noted, however, that there aren’t many Jedi left in the universe. The moment comes on Exegol, Palpatine's headquarters, when Rey (Daisy Ridley) is lying on the group, about to die, and hears the voices from past Jedi, including Luke Skywalker, Qui-gon Jinn, Obi-wan Kenobi, Kanan Jarrus and, yes, Ahsoka. 82% Upvoted. She also learns that Luke and Leia are Anakin’s kids, which could have pulled her even more toward the Jedi path. She was the Queen and Senator of Naboo you know?” She smiled cheekily as she finished. As usual she displayed the ability that she could read his mind and said “There was a Jedi Temple here until a few years ago. Din Djarin's efforts to find the Jedi could well catch Ahsoka's attention, leading her to send a Jedi out to figure out who is looking for. Her expression was placid and unreadable. . He wanted to know what happened to the temple but she seemed pretty sad already and it seemed a soft topic. Community ♦ 1. answered May 27 '14 at 1:36. I really hope she did meet them,because she could have told them about Anakin and Padme. Do you think we’ll ever see Ahsoka meet Luke in animation or in something like The Mandalorian, it seems it would be an incredibly important moment for Ahsoka to see Anakins child and learn Anakin turned to the light. As for why Yoda and Ben never mentioned him it's because they never really met … “He was my master…and the best friend I could have ever asked for. There would, though, be bigger questions over what happens were this to happen. Season Two. She closed her eyes and meditated, slowly levitating the hilt of the sword. She smiled slightly and gave him her best Jedi master answer, “When you’re ready.” He rolled his eyes at her and she started to laugh. When Luke goes to Dagobah to be trained by Yoda, he encounters a young Togruta woman named Ahsoka Tano, another Jedi who will help him in ways he could never have imagined. I thought you should know. The Jedi had ‘outposts’, if you will, all across the galaxy. She was your father’s teenage alien apprentice, a fine piece of Jedi from a more civilized age. Those were Master Yoda’s favourite, and Luke, like Anakin, hated them. Luke … The idea of Anakin/Vader having an apprentice sounded cool so they decided to copy this idea for TCW. “No problem,” she said “you can practice with one of mine for now, but first you need to understand how they work, and why we use them.”. In a galaxy far, far away.... 163,938 Pages. Ahsoka sat in her quarters at the Jedi Temple. When she opened her eyes Luke’s mouth was hanging open and his eyes were so wide she almost lost focus and laughed aloud. This boy was their only hope, she knew it. However, despite their mutual respect for each other, Obi-Wan often disagreed with Mace's questionable decisions. Fans know that, at this point in the Star Wars mythos, the few Jedi left include Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill), and Ezra Bridger. "I prefer padawan, apprentice is sith speak." For Luke, he would get to meet another person who truly knew what his father was like, and learn more about Anakin Skywalker the person and Jedi, rather than just Darth Vader. When?…you were a Jedi! If Ahsoka ever encounters a certain Wookiee in Rebels, it won’t be the first time. Of course!” His excitement was uncontainable and he held on to every single syllable of her following words like it was his life force. She was on the Sith planet after her fight against Darth Vader. Assinman5 2 years ago #1. They had interesting discussions while they trained. Chapt er 1 Son And Apprentice (Dagobah) "There is it, R2. She decided to channel her inner Master Huang and dissect it to show him how it worked. "Did you ever meet my father?" Luke knew about Ahsoka, according to a recent reference book, but I don’t think they actually met in person. When I heard the Rebellion had recruited another Jedi, I just had to know…”. It would be incredibly emotional and powerful for her to meet the children of Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala, who were two of the most influential and beloved figures in her life. Being a Jedi is a kind of a big commitment. He wondered why this was where Ahsoka wanted to meet… Her ship landed not long after and he got out to meet her. It was cold and empty out here. Although the encouragement helps Rey to gather her strength, the implication for Ahsoka fans is dire -- because every Jedi who spoke to Rey was already dead. “I met him. Just found this picture online and I really like it. It seemed he had his father’s mind for mechanics, and was very happy when she pointed this out to him. Even whether it is, Luke’s function may very well be extra short-lived than some may assume. They had never met before…but he knew something about her, and she knew…a little more than something about him. Ahsoka grimaced, she'd known this day would come. “Maybe you should sit down.” she added as an afterthought. Luke noticed that she said “we”, even though she’d spent the better part of their time together telling him she wasn’t a Jedi. Star Wars: Rebels never explains what exactly Ahsoka did after going back to Malachor, but she does return in the epilogue of the series finale, looking a whole lot more mystical and Jedi-like. She smiled inspite of herself and told him, “this, is a lightsaber. This was due to the fact Obi-Wan was a moderate … Seems pretty reasonable that they could have met. The fact that we now have it in Star Wars canon that Luke knows who Ahsoka is, we may someday get those answers in the form of an animated series, book … And he most certainly did not want to return to Tattooine… He landed his ship at the coordinates she’d given him but didn’t disembark. Ahsoka with Maul. Then the Emperor started torturing me with this blue lighting and…Anakin killed him…He saved my life…”, Ahsoka didn’t respond. Ashley Eckstein, Ahsoka Tano "Her"self, teases a Luke Skywalker, Ahsoka meeting. Grogu had been training as a Jedi when Emperor Palpatine executed Order 66, but unlike many of the other younglings, Grogu survived after someone saved him from the Jedi Temple. share. After she finds Ezra, stage two of the plan is that Ahsoka and Ezra defeat Sidious' spirit and end him exactly when he died in ROTJ. "May the force be with you all," Ahsoka says. All the pain, all the loss, but then the memory of Luke’s mother, showed her all the hope. She approached the cave with caution, who knew what sorts of creatures dwelled in the lower levels of this swamp…. She had a mission there apparently…he wondered what it was, and if he could go with her as he wasn’t quite sure what to do with himself anymore. Introduced as the Jedi Padawan of Anakin Skywalker, who later becomes Sith Lord Darth Vader, she is a protagonist of the 2008 animated film Star Wars: The Clone Wars and the subsequent television series.Ahsoka reappears in Star Wars Rebels, where she uses the codename Fulcrum, and as a voiceover cameo in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. "May the force be with you Ahsoka," Luke says. What do you think: Did Ahsoka Tano ever met Luke… Games Movies TV Video. It’s actually part of my second pair but the feel is the same, and that’s the most important thing. Create a free website or blog at Played by Rosario Dawson, Ahsoka's introduction has been one of the most anticipated moments of The Mandalorian season 2 ever since the casting was first announced. 1 year after the battle of Endor. Check him out at and @jakebartok on Instagram too! Many long forgotten before even I became a Jedi. Introduced as the Jedi Padawan of Anakin Skywalker, she is a protagonist of the 2008 animated film Star Wars: The Clone Wars and the subsequent television series.Ahsoka reappears in Star Wars Rebels, where she uses the codename Fulcrum, and as a voiceover cameo in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. Photo Credit: Lucasfilm. Especially for a perfect opportunity like Mando Season 2 for the two to have equal interest in the Child; Luke to repay his old Dagoba master/rebuild the Jedi Order and Ahsoka to protect a Force Sensitive & Justice. Unlike Luke who sought adventure, responsibility found Ahsoka. 1. User Info: Assinman5. Anakin might have been his father, but he meant so much more to Ahsoka. Luke, did I ever tell you about Ahsoka Tano? It’s what someone said a long time ago in 1980, back when cassette players were the equivalent of smartphones and the Cold War was in a semi-thaw. (I’m not 100% sure about the image credit please let me know who created this if you know), She landed her ship a little further away from where she sensed the boy was.She thought it best to give him the option to leave, rather than springing up and forcing her presence on him. The young man answered, scuffing his feet. "A few times." 14 comments. Ahsoka told Luke about the Clone Wars and his parents and how she’d come to join the Rebellion. Jcuk Jedi Grand Master. Ahsoka Tano is a character in the Star Wars franchise. Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Romance - Luke S., Ahsoka T. - Chapters: 2 - Words: 6,386 - Reviews: 137 - Favs: 208 - Follows: 238 - Updated: 9/15/2011 - Published: 4/14/2011 - id: 6903926 Finally, one evening as they were collecting wood for a fire she told him, “you’re ready. He obliged, and sat down with his legs crossed on the cave floor. Disclaimer: I do not own Stars Wars or it's characters. Don't think that's been addressed at all. Registered: Mar 16, 2013. While Dave Filoni said she survived Twilight of the Apprentice, she hasn’t reappeared since. For Ahsoka, she could learn of her old Master's redemption, and get to meet his son. Ahsoka grimaced, she'd known this day would come. While Luke was off doing Jedi stuff after the original ... Perhaps the best pilot to ever exist in Star Wars, ... she was setting off on a quest to find Ezra Bridger along with Ahsoka Tano. If they ever did an Episode concerning the "Planet of the Yoda's" (which I hope they never do - just to keep one thing a mystery), then I feel that out of honour and respect, George Lucas gets to direct that Episode. ... Leia, Rex, and Sabine going to Malachor to rescue Ahsoka and then having to tend to some new threat in the galaxy, maybe hunting down any remaining Inquisitors? Sign In; Don't have an account? Luke shook his head dejectedly. "Luke, did you ever hear of Ahsoka Tano?" 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