Android Toolbar Example Android Toolbar Example. Note: If you are using Android 3.0 +, the Options Menu won’t support any item shortcuts and item icons in the menu.. Android Options Menu Example. Step 1. To add menu items to a secondary Toolbar: Add menu icons to the mipmap-folders of the app project (if required). Choose Android. Choose the icon that you want by clicking on the android icon, click “Next” button and then click “Finish”. Options Menu Fragment - Android Studio - Java This will cover the followings: Use Options Menu / Actionbar menu Use Options Menu in fragments Add items with icons in options menu Show different options of an options menu in each fragment Handle options menu's item clicks >>Watch For Koltin Video: Step 1: Create a new project OR Open your project Step 2: Code: menu_main.xml , so that we can display our fragments. In the Activity's OnCreate method, find the Toolbar (by calling FindViewById) and inflate the Toolbar's menus. @gunar Interesting. You can use the withText flag together with always or ifRoom (use a pipe | in between) to force the text of the item to show next to the icon when rendered in the actionbar. I've just added an Android Toolbar to an app I'm working on. If you force moving action items to action bar, Dude is right, Mine didnt work beacuse it had android:showAsAction instead of app:showAsAction. used to them, you'll end up confusing users that are used to how apps Devices with a menu button will NOT SHOW the three dot icon on the actionbar since users can use the menu button on the device. show them the three dots of overflow menu, it might confuse them. On your .XML file. Toolbar works well with apps targeted to API 21 and above. Android Studio Google Play Jetpack Kotlin Docs Overview Guides Reference ... An app bar with the app title and overflow menu. I have updated the text @gunar. Pretty long so grab a beer and study it as it's the key to your app navigation: Brilliant, I was stumbling, without looking at the menu button in a test device. @Override public boolean onPrepareOptionsMenu(final Menu menu) { getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu); return super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu); } Thank you so much!! Android toolbar icon not visible in root Navigation Page. is used to wrap component. There are two kind of bar with control items in activity. So make sure you execute your relevant onCreate() code before you call the menu to open. If you intentionally Questions: ... Android Studio: how to generate signed apk using Gradle? Any reason not to put a structured wiring enclosure directly next to the house main breaker box? Android studio preview not showing title bar and menu bar? Even if running on a very small screen size. your coworkers to find and share information. However, app bar features have gradually been added to the native ActionBar over various Android releases. Does anyone know how to fix this XML Layout