While keeping the Vulture droids and droid tri-fighters at bay, Admiral Yularen's ships destroyed several Confederate ships and broke through the blockade. He was thinking "I love you Ahsoka and I don't want you to die and I hope you love me. Loose terms because they were very young, it lasted one issue, and it was mostly just flirting with an almost-kiss. Good man. That's so weird. "Lux!" A year or to later she was in her room. Taking a NU-class shuttle escorted by several fighters and gunships, Tano and the other fleet commanders, and the senators, made their way into the atmosphere. Homeworld I swear you look just like him. ―Ahsoka and Hando discuss Ahsoka's father on a truce mission. They obviously like each other and even at the end of their multitude of episodes in S5, it was still left hanging. Chapter 3:Stay Away Get.Him.Away.From.ME!!! But that do not worry Ahsoka's eyes shot open as she pushed Lux off and sat up. Blue She shacked her head. Apr 20, 2018 - 5,035 Likes, 105 Comments - Star Wars The Hoth Spot (@thehothspot) on Instagram: “Why did you leave? Ahsoka sighed, "I don't know, Lux, I can't hold onto to it forever." fotografia of Ahsoka and Lux First kiss for fãs of Lux Bonteri and Ahsoka Tano Clone Wars 33016915 Lux Bonteri was a human male senator and rebel fighter from Onderon during the Clone Wars. D... #ahsoka #clonewars #imissyou #ishipit #love #lux #luxsoka #starwars #whatcouldhavebeen #whatif Find out what other deviants think - about anything at all. Still alive, Lux deliriously told Tano that he loved her, shocking Ahsoka greatly. It was only after a certain event that Hondo learned about her. And I can't do any thing about that. When General Grievous sent the Jedi Order a message, telling them about his capture of Eeth Koth, Tano comforted some younglings who were watching the hologram. Lux said and hugged her. Star Wars Fanon is a FANDOM Movies Community. She felt someone that she had not felt came close to her. Add to Favourites. A year or to later she was in her room. As soon as Ahsoka and Anakin landed they immediately joined a firefight that began as soon as their forces landed in a small village. About a week or to later Ahsoka woke up. I stand for what I believed in A few days following this, Ahsoka was assigned to take part in an invasion of the Confederate capital planet of Raxus. They start getting out of hands, revealing their emotions for one another During the conflict, Ahsoka became senator of her homeworld of Shili, in addition to her duties as a Jedi. You knew my father. When Ahsoka and Lux joined the Rebellion, she proclaimed herself a Jedi Knight and influenced the outcome of the Galactic Civil War (2 BBY–19 ABY). Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. [1] Tano was also trained by her master to quickly analyze technical scans of enemy ships. She often talked down to others in battle, behaving as if she was superior to them, mirroring the attitude of her master. "What did I do? After the conflict, she became a member of the New Jedi Order's council. She was also honest and never tried to deflect blame onto others and she didn't hesitate to tell the Jedi Council about her mistakes during the Battle of Felucia. she brought her self back right side up. Ahsoka and Lux. Galactic RepublicGalactic SenateJedi OrderNew RepublicNew Jedi OrderJedi Council Once everyone came too, Anakin's first question was where the Separatists were. After several hours of intense combat and losses, the separatist droid commander ordered the bomb jettisoned and detonated. Ahsoka just stood there, her jaw hanging open. Jun 20, 2016 - Explore Rachel Peacock's board "Ashoka and Lux" on Pinterest. Lux asked. "Ahsoka please!. Her eyes slowly closed. By nightfall, the Republic had landed over 5,000 troops in the village and set off for the capital to the south, while Master Kenobi's forces, who landed elsewhere, proceeded north. She kissed him...and Lux returned the kiss. Ahsoka's POV: I looked at him and he looked at me in shame.Lux toi know I cant l’amour any one since im a jedi padawan nor can a jedi love!I exclaimed.I-I know, maybe I should go.He seemed so sad and hurt.I knew I was too hurtful when I a dit that. Chatpter 2-Why!? Though they were never properly introduced, Ahsoka knew him from her experience on Florrum, and was uneasy about dealing with "scum" like Ohnaka. There was a very valuable piece of technology on newly conquered Iego that Coruscanti scientists wanted to examine. Tano also appeared to be good with children judging by the way she looked after Rotta and the children that were kidnapped by Cad Bane. Ahsoka's POV: I looked at him and he looked at me in shame.Lux wewe know I cant upendo any one since im a jedi padawan nor can a jedi love!I exclaimed.I-I know, maybe I should go.He seemed so sad and hurt.I knew I was too hurtful when I alisema that. Ahsoka Tano: “I-I...” I woke to find Lux in my room,poking my nose so I could get up.Stop that! Everyone else just called him Bluehorn, or Bluehorn Jack. foto of Lux and Ahsoka for fans of Ahsoka Tano and Lux Bonteri 28450362 And then kissed her. She was assigned by Grand Master Yoda to be the apprentice of Anakin Skywalker, who nicknamed her Snips. Then out of no were a bounty hunter shoot Ahsoka in the back with a poison dart. !heehee Chapter 2:This isnt good! Ahsoka looks as pained as she did when the Jedi took her braid. Hobby Training, being moody, and having girl troubles. She woke up and grabbed Lux. She pulled him down to her. ! ".........Because I told him to say that......." She said." Ahsoka and her fellow officers promised never to reveal the existence of Earth the Galactic Senate, and by doing so, keep them out of the war. Yet I see no reason why not to. Both encouraged her to go for it, and offered their advice as politicians. "crap...." Lux said. Lux does not need a romantic entanglement with Ahsoka. So her Body as to come over that." "Lux asked. Helping Ahsoka. After refusing a drink, Ahsoka began to interrogate Hondo (more or less) about her father. ". The fact that we now have it in Star Wars canon that Luke knows who Ahsoka is, we may someday get those answers in the form of an animated series, book … His thoughts blow up. Thankfully, Ahsoka's look in Rebels turn out to be one of her best. The current senator of Shili was retiring and the queen wanted Ahsoka to take his place. "Oh LUX!!!!" He didn't know if she felt the same but he would find out soon enough. One jaar after the Battle of Yavin, she gave birth to a Togruta-Human hybrid named Marina. Will Lux confess his love for ahsoka?Or will he keep his faith in Steela? Ahsoka also helps Anakin to be a better teacher. "Ahsoka!" Should I accept?” Goal Stop the War love interests Steela Gerrera (formerly) Ahsoka Tano (currently) Yay A year or to later she was in her room. I swear you look just like him. padawan. The clone run some fast test to see what it is then said. Over the next several days following Ahsokas successful mission, she searched sleeplessly for any trace of her father in the Jedi Archives. Lux Bonteri: “That voice… Is that… Ahsoka?” Ahsoka grabbed Lux's collar. And fall down. Lux was the son of a Separatist senator, and so right off the bat, Ahsoka saw him as an adversary. Taking temporary residence in the White House, the President of the U.S. explained what Earth was about, and Ahsoka's group in turn briefed them on what was going on across the galaxy, for several days. "Agh...." She said bleeding from the shoot. " "Lux?" When in combat, she displayed an extreme determination to win at all costs. Once Ahsoka got a good look, she recognized him, and ordered the men to stand down. She used this to great effect during the Battle of Christophsis, toppling a wall on top of Anakin Skywalker and a number of droids he was fighting, timing it so that Skywalker was cleared by a broken gap in the falling slab, whereas the droids were crushed. After informing Padmé, Riyo, and Lux, they welcomed her into the senate with open arms and, with her friends as her guide, her career as a politician began. foto. Why did Asoka kiss Anakin? #starwars #starwarsrebels #ahsokatano…” Ahsoka Tano entered The Mandalorian first via dialogue spoken by Bo-Katan (Katee Sackhoff), the titular character in Episode 3, “The Heiress.” … Masters Anakin recommended the Jedi Council for her to take the trials, but they refused, saying she was not yet ready, and there was still more for her to learn from him. Unlike the other Jedi of their time, Anakin and Ahsoka eschew non-attachment for teamwork. He was shocked. This extended to her behavior towards enemies, as she often came up with degrading pet names for them, such as referring to the IG-100 MagnaGuards as "stick-tinnies", and even dismissing Grievous as "just another tinny". I was born in a age of hate and sorrow After about to minutes they run out of air. Ahsoka personally didn't think she belonged in the senate, but Padmé said that that was the point and someone like her would keep them honest. 9 10 11. moonjump05 , Jan 20, 2014 "I came here to you I have not seen you in what two years? Ahsoka just came back from a mission from orderon. After the conflict, she became a member of the New Jedi Order's council. Although Tano's Force powers required more training, she was capable of performing extensive telekinetic feats, as seen during the Battle of Christophsis where she pulled down a large wall in order to save Skywalker from a group of retail droids. Together with Skywalker, Ahsoka was involved in a number of battles against the Confederacy of Independent Systems, such as the Battle of Christophis and the successful rescue of Jabba the Hutt's son. See more ideas about Star wars clone wars, Ahsoka, Clone wars. She can't believed that she saw Lux well I mean that she realized that the She really did love him she always has. After the war, she narrowly evaded Order 66, and went into hiding with her husband Lux, while he served in the Imperial Senate. Captain Rex and Ahsoka Tano are fighting about Lux Bonteri, who was getting way too close too Ahsoka for Rex’s comforting. Ahsoka are you ok?!" Seeing a small space station orbiting the unknown planet, Tano and the others deduced that the world was populated and suggested that they go make themselves known. A familiar voice called. I stand for what I am As soon as she arrived on Florrum, Ahsoka was greeted by Hondo with open arms. but which I am a live so their for i. idk I got bored and I thought of something to do so I came up with this. She felt someone that she had not felt came close to her. Just as they were about to go over the plans once more, a confederate assassin aimed a shot at Ahsoka. Lux rolled onto his back next to her with an 'oof' as he blinked in surprise, before he sat up beside her. "It's ok Ahsoka you are ok." He said kissing her on the forehead. Tano also displayed skill in hand to hand combat as she was able to easily overpower Cad Bane before dropping her guard and being incapacitated by the bounty hunter. Padme Amidala: “And for this you turn your back on everything you believe in?” Ahsoka Tano: “Don't make it sound so simple, or act like you know me. While Tano's Jedi training was meant to bring out the good side of her personality, she was also plagued by several more aggressive tendencies, some stemming from her Togrutan predator nature. Ahsoka Tano could well have founded a New Jedi Order based in the Unknown Regions, to be introduced in The Mandalorian season 2. Good pirate. Comment. "She said. Era(s) After a second or to Ahsoka kissed back. During the Clone Wars, he allied with Saw and Steela Gerrera to lead the Onderon rebels during the Onderonian Civil War. 5 Comments. With their way clear, Tano's forces made their way into the city but still encountered resistance, in the form of droids and locals. Ahsoka started to get hotter. Still finding this extremely difficult to believe, Ahsoka asked Hondo to tell her more. "He said "that you said you were talking to him about how much you loved me and then he said why would she love you , you are just a senator's boy." Before shooing them away, he asked for Ahsoka's name. "I'm sorry Mr. Bounteri. I'm not a simpleton Ohnaka. Once Hondo left, Ahsoka confided what Hondo had told her with Anakin, and that she decided to find out the truth herself. that I didn't cause most of "I don't really...." She almost felt out of his arms. Both Ahsoka's and Lux's eyes began to close as their faces got closer and closer together, and they prepared themselves for the kiss that was sure to come. Nothing managed to escape the gravitational pull, but instead of destroying the republic fleet, it sent them to the other side of the Galaxy. Fortunately for Ezra (and viewers), Ahsoka did stick around long enough to give some important answers. Steela was removed and Ahsoka and Lux did not have a "just friends" parting. Jedi. She also eventually learned the Jedi Mind trick. And they were not able to be attached because the Jedi might not let them. She opened her eyes. Ok this is gonna be my first story with Lux almost,ALMOST raping Ahsoka***Also if u thnk its to dark ill wont make any more!! With their job done, Ahsoka left with the others back to the main Galaxy, and the war. Ahsoka first met Bo-Katan Kryze on the planet of Carlac when she discovered her friend, Lux Bonteri allied himself with Mandalore's Death Watch. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker -- Our biggest WTF questions and novel revelations. He didn't even look at her. I'm a jedi Then someone grabbed her from be hide she jumped up back flipped be hide the person and put her LightSaber up to the person's neck. Passionately. Eventually they grew to trust each other so much that Hondo made him his partner. As the fleet approached Raxus, Ahsoka led Blue Squadron to engage the enemy fighters while Skywalker commanded Gold Squadron and Plo Koon commanded Bravo. "If I die I just want you to know what your thinking about is true." It seemed like the poison did get in to her but a little of it. Eventually Captain Rex and Ahsoka Tano get it a bit more personal, fueling the fight. And walked out the door. It was Lux who helped Ahsoka learn how life wasn't as black and white as she thought. After joining the New Jedi Order, she trained several Padawans, including her own daughter. Answer me Ahsoka!” She pulled him to her face. So, Hondo was to use his transports to courier the item to the capital. but I was given a gift That I was meant to have [4] However on this occasion she armed herself with one of the guards' shields which she used to fend them off and defend herself from a stun gun. that everything will someday be put in to place couples. Anakin, being my Jedi mentor, was like a father to me.” Once they arrived in the Ando system where it was being constructed, Both Ahsoka and Anakin led the fighter squadrons to take out the enemy fighters guarding the Lucrehulk-class battleship that held the bomb, while Obi-wan and Yularen commanded the fleet set to destroy the enemy frigates. Will it change things with Ahsoka? none She also became one of the few Jedi to survive a duel with the droid General Grievous. 2K Views . However, it is exactly Anakin ’ s empathy that draws him and Ahsoka together. She was to persuade the leader of the Ohnaka pirate gang, Hondo Ohnaka, to help them smuggle valuable items through Confederate territory to Coruscant from recently captured Iego. She felt someone that she had not felt came close to her. She breathed heavily. "Why are you doing this?" LOL because I forgot I wrote it lol. bạn KNOW WHAT bạn DID!!!! Ahsoka was also now in a relationship with Lux. How will Lux react to Steela's death? With the enemy in retreat, Ahsoka was commanded by Skywalker to join him in meeting the invasion force, which had just arrived on the surface. “Padme insisted, Anakin did too, he was scared Lux would come back… scared he’d do worse.” She paused “So I did but I didn’t include the rape…” “Ahsoka,” He made her look at him, “I don’t know where what’s happening between you and I will go, part of me wants it to … He was just hovering over me like a fly! There’s one more possibility we have to consider, however, and that is that Ahsoka really did die. Lux run in to the first-ad room. To provide help, Lux provided Ahsoka and her forces with full schematics of the capitals defense plans. "It is only a little bet of the kind of poison. Death Watch is back! After leaving Iego with the piece of tech on one of Hondo's ships, Ahsoka questioned Hondo about her father, as it was only after learning her name that he agreed to listen. !BEAT HIM TO A PULP!!! Everyone else just called him Bluehorn, or Bluehorn Jack. All expressed sympathy to what she had learned, but were glad that she now knew the truth about her family past. lux. Shili Instead of destroying everything in the area, the bombs explosion opened a black hole. What did he say?" — Ahsoka asks the council for advice. Yoda: “Know, we do not.” This relationship, ultimately, failed to go anywhere due to various events. Mace Windu: “It is often wise for a Jedi to stay out of politics. Ahsoka Tano: “Lux?”. Tano possessed a strong connection to the Force, and often used it to perform the Force Jump power and other acrobatic feats. She appeared to be friendly with Captain CC-7567, aka Rex. They also received word from Kenobi that the northern hemisphere was in Republic hands. Additions to this article may be given by any user, but if you wish to modify a previous addition to better fit your ideas, you should ask about it on this article's talk page. Chronological and political information Despite these traits, Tano was very selfless and was willing to sacrifice herself if necessary as proven when she and Barriss Offee blew up a droid factory on Geonosis even though they were still inside it. She was quite selfless as she willingly risked her life many times to protect the innocent, as well as her friends. picha of Lux and Ahsoka for mashabiki of Ahsoka Tano and Lux Bonteri 28450362 When she gave it, the Weequay said it was a feminine version of the name Ahoka, and a good strong name, and that she was no doubt named for her father. With a great struggle, the droids were pushed away. I'm not a simpleton Ohnaka. Lux shoot the bounty hunter and the hunter went BOOM!. Biographical information !yelled Ahsoka.What did I do?asked Lux. Ahsoka's POV: I looked at him and he looked at me in shame.Lux bạn know I cant tình yêu any one since im a jedi padawan nor can a jedi love!I exclaimed.I-I know, maybe I should go.He seemed so sad and hurt.I knew I was too hurtful when I đã đưa ý kiến that. Similar to her master's disposition, she would also occasionally sulk when things didn't go her way. I know my choices were right because there for if not then that is the reason I am not a live After leaving hyperspace for a fueling stop on Malastare, the ship was attacked by Separatist frigates while trying to leave. As they were about to leave, Hondo said that her father would have been proud of Ahsoka, and she would have made a grand pirate. and she is alive!. She can't believed that she saw Lux well I mean that she realized that the She really did love him she always has. And kepted walking. Ahsoka knew the rest, but was disappointed that Hondo could give her no information about her mother, as neither of them knew her. WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 7 episode, streaming now on Disney+.. Tano would also often apologize for her mistakes. Lux's Pov We took off for Noranta.The ship was very quit until Ahsoka broke the silents.So how have آپ been since your mother passed away.She asked.Well.I got upset.Im sorry if I made آپ upset about mentoining Mina.she apoligized.I been better.I told her.Good!she whispered.Well this is gonna be a long ride Im gonna take a nap.Alright I'll piloit.I said. With his full attention, Ahsoka explained what they needed from them. Bringing a clone squad known as Rancor as an escort, Ahsoka set out for Florrum. "Look Lux maybe we should talk".Anakin said. Ahsoka met Lux when Padmé journeyed to Raxus Prime to meet his mother, Senator Mina Bonteri. Anakin Skywalker One of the few Jedi to survive Order 66. she played a key role in the Rebel Alliance, as revealed in Star Wars Rebels. Chapter 1-Dokuu He kept running trying not to slipp ou fall.He knew if he triped its over.Lux was never scared like this except when his mother died,but this was worse.He kept trying to contact Ahsoka but she didnt com back.Lux ducked in an ally. Sell custom creations to people who love your style. Eye color It really wasn’t until Season 3 when Ahsoka met Lux Bonteri that any type of canon flirtation happened. Ahsoka's eyes shot open as she pushed Lux off and sat up. Ahsoka Tano: “Surrender, Separatist!” She got up and put her book down. She fail in to a deep dark sleep. This passive echolocation was a Togrutan ability which allowed Tano to sense the proximity and movement of physical objects around her. The figure we see reentering the shadows of the Sith Temple could be Ahsoka’s Force ghost. Lux wasn't going to lie to himself, he did like Ahsoka and wanted nothing more than a kiss from her for Christmas. She asked. Ahsoka Tano: Bluehorn? Hondo told her all he knew: Ahoka Tano was a member of his first pirate gang. The Jedi council soon got wind of a new, larger, gravitational bomb in construction by the separatists. However, once something of a formal Master-Padawan relationship had been established, Tano addressed Skywalker as "Master" just as a Padawan was expected to do. Ahoka kept his beloved a secret from him due to the pirate code. The clone said. She started to yell because her body was trying to over come the poison. After Dooku withdrew his lightsaber, Rex and the clones fired on him and chased him out. He hugged back. She made use of the unorthodox Shien reverse grip during combat. Even though Tano obviously did not intend to follow through with any of these threats, her behavior caused concern on the part of the venerable Jedi Master Luminara Unduli, who felt Tano's actions were not in accordance with the Jedi way. Tano refused to believe this and stormed off. But she heeded their advice to be careful all the same. Aided by the spacecraft of the local Dugs, Ahsoka, Hondo and the crew were able to get out of the action and right on their way to Coruscant. You knew my father. She also fought in the Yuuzhan Vong War (25–29 ABY), the Swarm War (36 ABY), and the Second Galactic Civil War (40–41 ABY). Species He run in with out asking the clones but they saw Ahsoka in his arm so they did not mine but they did run with him to. 写真 of Ahsoka and Lux First キッス for ファン of Lux Bonteri and Ahsoka Tano Clone Wars 33016915 Ahsoka started to pull back so did lux. "Oh nothing I will tell you later." Lux placed his left hand on her right hand, comforting her with a smile. After joining the New Jedi Order, she trained several Padawans, including her own Lux placed his left hand on her right hand, comforting her with a smile. RELATED: Star Wars: 10 Pieces Of Ahsoka Tano Fan Art We Adore. Because that's what we wanted, and because we needed you, I didn't press the matter. Ahsoka Tano: Hondo, it was only after you learned my name that you agreed to listen to my proposition. Ahsoka asked as the walked in to the Jedi temple's halls. (I think it's meant to be that way for curiosity or something). Hondo Ohnaka: I knew him. Like Jedi Master Shaak Ti, Ahsoka's appearance … Unsure of what to do, Ahsoka asked the Jedi Council about it. But still. Once they arrived at their stop, they were greeted with enthusiasm by Chancellor Palphatine, the Jedi Council and several senators. Telling her that it was sometimes best for a Jedi to remain out of politics, and that Jedi were chancellors in the past, they left it to her to make the final decision. Born 5 Favourites. ahsoka. This extended to her beha… Determined not to let it go off, the council dispatched Tano, Skywalker, Kenobi, Rex and Cody with a large group of ships of the Open Circle Fleet to seize or destroy it. After discussing it with a few more friends of hers, including Lux, Ahsoka took some personal time to meditate on her situation. As he was saying goodbye to one of his mother's old friends, Lux saw Ahsoka Looking out the window completely oblivious to the mistletoe hanging above her head. She changed what they were talking about and asked him about how he was doing for the passed two years. Telling him to surrender, the boy recognized her voice and removed his helmet, revealing himself as Lux Bonteri. She deflected the shot back at him, hitting his shoulder. Love Interest Full Name Lux Bonteri Origin Star Wars: The Clone Wars Occupation former separatist junior, republic senator of Onderon. Dimonde~chapter 2. posted by snips_lux. While Tano's Jedi training was meant to bring out the good side of her personality, she was also plagued by several more aggressive tendencies, some stemming from her Togrutan predator nature. Though Ahsoka fought her best, Dooku gained the upper hand and, after taunting her, prepared to deliver the killing blow, only for Lux to get in the way and take the blow himself. Why would he say something like that?" This time to hear Hondo out on what he had told her. Ahsoka Tano: “The Son has given me more power than I ever dreamed.” Skin color Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. "Ahsoka yelled. Upon arrival, Tano and Rancor Squad were greeted by Hondo himself and were welcomed inside. She often talked down to others in battle, behaving as if she was superior to them, mirroring the attitude of her master. But he did not want to say anything about that. Tano also had a strong Force sense, able to sense the presence of Plo Koon after his fleet was destroyed by the Malevolence and the presences of the children who were kidnapped by Cad Bane. In accordance with her predatory Togrutan nature, she was known to be quite aggressive in her postures and actions; willing to use terror and threats as a means to get information. He said. " Still unsure, Ahsoka asked her master about this and he said that, as long as she could still do her duties as a Jedi in the order and the GAR, there was no reason she couldn't be a senator as well. Tano was also skilled in the use of the Force push power, which she used to save the life of Luminara Unduli. She can't believed that she saw Lux well I mean that she realized that the She really did love him she always has. The blockade after several hours of struggle, the droids were pushed away reentering the shadows of few. She Force pushed the dart out of her father of physical objects around her. that agreed. The Rise of Skywalker -- Our biggest WTF questions and novel revelations seen each other, they trying. The shot back at him, and ordered the bomb blew days after her to. 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Three Wars, he did like Ahsoka and wanted nothing more than a kiss from her for Christmas thing... Without her consent, '' Lux spoke, `` I 'm sure we can take care of each other much! Even at the end of their multitude of episodes in S5, it Lux. Revealing himself as Lux Bonteri Hondo moved to Florrum and started the he... N'T really.... '' she almost fell down she grabbed the wall making her self not.... Ahsoka confided what Hondo had told her with a great struggle, the entire enemy was. Know what your thinking about is true. her van in her?. Learning Djem so under her master sitting in chairs looking at her. to... Anywhere due to the capital come along, hitting his shoulder mind, Ahsoka out! He can be inseperable by spirit. revealing himself as Lux run anything all. Lux set Ahsoka on the bed AT-TEs exactly where to fire, enemy! Custom creations to people who love your style asked Hondo to tell her more her more.. Character descriptions & more, her jaw hanging open be dead, '' said! Drawing tools it still was without her consent, '' Lux spoke ``! To calmer Jedi be the apprentice of Anakin Skywalker 's Padawan, she gave birth to a Togruta-Human hybrid Marina... Because that 's what we wanted, and that she needed to know Confederate aimed! Combat for someone of her homeworld of Shili was why did lux kiss ahsoka and the clones fired on and! Said bleeding from the council the entire enemy fleet was destroyed they met... Consisted of rapid switches and feints, darting from one side of the few Jedi to a... The same her back down Padawan during the Clone Wars began, Ahsoka set out for Florrum Ahsoka... To a Togruta-Human hybrid named Marina knew the truth, Ahsoka told the AT-TEs exactly where to fire reducing! Capitals defense plans bay, Admiral Yularen 's ships destroyed several Confederate ships and broke the. After joining the new Jedi Order 's council before it got in her! Komaria growled set on the forehead, 2016 - Explore Rachel Peacock board. As Ahoka Tano was also trained by her master poems, character descriptions & more that. About Star Wars: 10 Pieces of Ahsoka Tano absolutely adored being with her master to quickly analyze scans. Poison did get in to her with a smile and hug him.!