Regie führten Mark Osborne und John Stevenson, das Drehbuch schrieben Jonathan Aibel und Glenn Berger. Kung Fu Panda Wiki ist eine Fandom-Filme-Community. Tigress is the tritagonist of the Kung Fu Panda franchise. Dennoch wurde Tigress immer besser und später ein Mitglied der Furiosen Fünf und somit eine große, starke und selbstbewusste Kriegerin. Shrek | Barf and Belch | She is the strongest, serious and leader of the Furious Five, five of the strongest masters of Kung Fu in China. E. Aster Bunnymund | Fearing that the worst had happened to Po, Tigress felt she had failed him. Jedoch im Gegensatz zu den anderen Furiosen Fünf, trägt Tigress als einzige eine rote chinesische, mit goldenen Reben Muster bestückte, Weste. In many scenes of the first film in which the other four of the Furious Five and/or Po were joking or having fun, Tigress would often remain quiet and withdrawn. In Gongmen angekommen, schlich sie sich durch die Stadt zum Kerker, in dem Meister Kroko und Meister Tosender Ochse eingesperrt waren. Sie behält selbst wenn sie als Katze o. ä. beleidigt wird die Krallen eingefahren. Ulaz | Princess Bala | Cinderella | Lenny | The traditional Tiger fighting style is powerful, strong, firm, and aggressive—and adding a bit of Wushu-like acrobatic flair to the mix, Tigress is a warrior to be feared and admired. Gran | Do-Gooder Sie trägt auch kurzzeitig einen Hut, während des Abendessens im Jade Palast. She-Ra | Doch als Lord Shen den Drachenkrieger mit einer Kanone angeblich getötet hat, besiegte er danach auch die Furiosen Fünf, da ihr Versuch die Öfen in die Luft zu jagen, gescheitert war und ließ sie in Ketten zur Schau auf seiner Galeere auf dem Weg zur Eroberung als Siegestrophäe hängen. Dawn Betterman | Als alle Aufgaben erledigt und alle Probleme behoben waren, saß Tigress mit den anderen großen Kung Fu. Meistern an einem Tisch und genoss das formelle Abendessen im Jade Palast vorerst. She is the tritagonist of Kung Fu Panda, the deuteragonist of Kung Fu Panda 2, and one of the two tritagonists of Kung Fu Panda 3 (alongside Shifu). Tigress Lieblingsessen ist "Tofu stir Fry". Sash, Live-Action Movies Im Mehspielermodus kann man jedoch erneut Tigress spielen. Misha Belenkoff | Kohl's Kung Fu Panda Po Plush. Marina | Kolivan | Sally | Tigress told him about her harsh training exercises in her youth, and how her "hardcore" style allowed her to ignore pain. Shen mocked them for their sadness over the "death" of Po and bragged about how he would kill them and their "precious kung fu" upon reaching the harbor; Tigress snarled back, but was unable to resist in any way. Thunk Crood | Queen Essence | Yasmina Fadoula | Gorgonites (Ocula, Punch-It & Scratch-It, Insaniac, Slamfist & Troglokhan) | Belt | Jack Frost | Vitaly | The dismal feeling that everyone felt as they left had to be pushed aside once they started gathering the villagers. (Zu Deutsch etwa: Tofu unter Rührbraten) Kung Fu Panda ist eine US-amerikanische CGI-Animations-Actionkomödie von DreamWorks Animation aus dem Jahr 2008. Valka | Tigress ist Po's Lieblings Kung Fu Krieger der Furiosen Fünf, auch nachdem Sie Po (Im ersten Kung Fu Panda Film) erhebliche Missachtungen und Ekel entgegenbringt. Download for free on all your devices - Computer, Smartphone, or Tablet. At first, they assumed that they had vanquished him completely, but sure enough, Tai Lung reappeared, swinging back from the opposite peak with the ropes from the now-destroyed bridge, and landing behind the startled team. Bumpy, See Also Toothiana | Sandy Crood | Ton-Ton | The Cat in the Hat (Live Action) | It was with great shame that Tigress faced Po and Shifu when released from the effects of the chi block back at the Jade Palace, feeling that she had failed Shifu. AAARRRGGHH!!! Get it as soon as Mon, Jan 25. Roxanne Ritchi | Doch Po eilte dort hin, um die Wahrheit über seine Eltern zu erfahren. She decided to try to stop Tai Lung herself, immediately setting out on her own. God | Chel | Unversehrt angekommen im Kerker Gongmens, stellte sie Po zur Rede, warum er Shen entkommen ließ und ging allein mit den anderen 4 der 5 zu Shens Schmelzöfen, um dort die Waffenproduktion zu stoppen. Ernie Smuntz | Stella | Aaron | He is a fast-talking giant pandawho was improbably chosen as the Dragon Warrior, champion of the Valley of Peace. Master Over The Art of Tiger StyleHung GaIncredible StrengthExtremely VirileExtremely AthleticClaws and TeethSuperior SpeedSuperior StaminaMaster Strategist She immediately alerted Po of the matter, also telling him not to take any snack stops, and the six set out to the village to fight off the bandits. Entrapta | Coran | Boss Baby | Wenn sie für etwas kämpft, dann gibt sie Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III | Castaspella | Tigress commenting Po's work by calling it "hardcore". Insectosaurus | Jim Lake Jr. | Tigress | Miriam | She’s usually the one to hit first in a fight. Varvatos Vex | Barry B. Benson | Swift Wind | Small Soldiers Heroes, Main Characters He tried to intimidate him by showing him the Training Hall and allowing the panda to be humiliated in front of the Five. Merlin | To her dismay, Po didn't leave the next morning, and he still wanted to learn kung fu. Branch | Marty | Despite all the progress she achieved over the years, Tigress still felt the need to prove herself to Shifu, and saw her chance one day when Master Oogway had a vision of Tai Lung breaking out of prison and returning to the Valley to get the Dragon Scroll. Pig | $31.42 $ 31. Bucky, Spike and Quillo | Po | Shifu | Furious Five (Tigress, Viper, Crane, Monkey & Mantis), Movies Erica Wang | Kurz darauf verschwand Po. Tuffnut Thorston | Douglas | Stormfly | No information King Peppy | Master Tigress is one of the main supporting characters of the Kung Fu Panda franchise. Jabbing each of the Five in vital pressure points, he paralyzed them all—with the exception of Crane, whom he had left unparalyzed so he could carry the defeated warriors back to the Jade Palace as a warning; that he could defeat the strongest warriors in China. Lars Smuntz | Henry Wu | But underneath her stoic, iron-jawed exterior is a warm compassion that others seldom see. However, she didn't have time to say anything before arriving at Gongmen City. Tigress und die restlichen Furiosen Krieger verstanden Pos Entscheidung und folgten dem jungen Drachenkrieger. Denn während die anderen Mitglieder und Po miteinander spaßen und Scherze reißen, wirkt Tigress eher zurückgezogen und still. Skipper | Amazed, Tigress finally let go of her pride, realizing that she had been wrong about the panda, and she approached Po and bowed to him with a smile, honoring him for the first time as a kung fu master and the true Dragon Warrior. Hammy | Please Rate and Comment thanks :) Li Shan erinnert sich an das, was sie von Po gelernt haben, wer sie sind und sammelt die anderen um den Kreis. Colonel Cutter | How to Train Your Dragon Heroes | Kung Fu Panda - Tigress Plüsch 26cm bei | Günstiger Preis | Kostenloser Versand ab 29€ für ausgewählte Artikel Puss in Boots | She refused to allow Po to enter the fray while something was burdening him, just after the panda had allowed Shen to escape. Master Po Ping (Chinese for "Precious Peace"), born Lotus Shan, is the protagonist of the Kung Fu Panda franchise. No information Her fighting style is direct, powerful, strong, firm, aggressive and unmatched – while adding a bit of Wushu like acrobatic flair to the mix. Tigress is the leader of the Furious Five and one of the two deuteragonists of the Kung Fu Panda franchise. As the first shot was fired, she, along with every other witness, was astounded when Po deflected the projectile and every other one that Shen fired, even going so far as to knock some back at the fleet. Aufgrund eines Starken Schneesturms müssen die beiden für gewisse Zeit nach Kung Fu Panda ziehen. They set out to do so, but were stopped by Mr. Ping, who has packed bags for Po's journey. Nachdem man diesen rießigen, beinah tödlichen Gegner besiegt hat, spielt man auch schon wieder den Panda Bären Po. Dies merkt man auch im ersten Film, Kung Fu Panda, als sie vorsichtig und hilfsbereit einen jungen Bewohner des Dorfs im Tal des Friedens evakuierte. She is the master of the Tiger style of kung fu, the adoptive daughter of Shifu, and the adoptive younger sister of Tai Lung. Ihre Loyalität gegenüber Po und dem, was er als Drachenkrieger repräsentiert, ist unerschütterlich. Guy Diamond | Angeline Jolie (Englische Synchronstimme von Tigress) hat einen Tiger auf ihren Rücken tätowiert! However, much to her shock, she saw that Po had disobeyed her and was confronting Shen alone. Dragon | Alan Abernathy | Sie verachtete Po und seinen mangelnden Respekt vor Kung Fu. Megamind | Ugga Crood | Alarmed, Shifu (acting on Oogway's suggestion) announced a tournament to declare who the Dragon Warrior would be out of the Furious Five. Shifu wurde für die kleine Tigress zu eine Art Vater. Hookfang | Tiger | Gromit | Nach einem erfolgreichen Sieg über mehrere Wildschweinbanditen war Tigress, genauso wie die anderen Mitglieder der Furiosen Fünf, schockiert als sie erfahren hat, dass Po der diesjährige Gastgeber des Winterfestes im Jadepalast war. Bullwinkle J. Moose | streng) Äußeren und dem markanten Kinn verbirgt sich jedoch ein warmes, mitfühlendes Wesen, das andere nur selten zu sehen bekommen! Oscar | Zuba | Wrathful Warrior, Hung GaIncredible StrengthExtremely VirileExtremely AthleticClaws and TeethSuperior SpeedSuperior StaminaMaster Strategist, Stop Shen from conquering China with his indestructible weapon (succeeded)Defeat Kai before he steals the Chi of all Kung Fu Masters (succeeded). | There was nothing else that could be done; Shifu ordered the Five and Po to evacuate the Valley in a last ditch effort, while he stayed behind to stall Tai Lung as long as possible. Confused, Tigress asked if the old tortoise was pointing at her, but Oogway was convinced that Po had been chosen by the universe, and the panda's appearance was not by accident. After Shifu, Viper, Tigress, and Monkey engage in a battle against Kai, she evades being attacked in order to warn Po that Kai is coming for the pandas. Powers/Skills So versuchte der Meister ihr mithilfe von Dominosteinen Disziplin und Selbstbeherrschung beizubringen. OC (Own Character) Po Tigress Die Etwa 25 Jahre alte Gepardin „Hakata" und ihr Freund der Grauwolf „Legoshi" arbeiten eigentlich als Piloten in der Hauptstadt der Schildkröte Koopa. Lucy Tucci | Chet | She was further disgusted by Shen's lack of concern for the well-being of the bystanders witnessing the event by blasting away a bridge to clear a path, which led her to call him a coward. Eva | He expected to die during the battle, and his parting words to them were the ones that Tigress had always longed to hear from her master: that he was proud of them and that he was honored to be their master. Ozzie | While Po received acupuncture from Mantis and Viper, Tigress confided to Po the story of Tai Lung and Shifu's role in his life, while also hinting at her own past, that she never received the same love that Shifu once showed for Tai Lung. Lou | Sleeping Beauty | I hope you like it. In the third film, Tigress is the only member of the Furious Five to not be turned into a Jombie by Kai. Ezor | Gloria | 5.0 out of 5 stars 11. Toothless | Tigress is a warrior to be feared and admired. So lernte die kleine Tigress sich zu beherrschen und endlich Spaß mit ihren Mitbewohnern zu haben. Gia | $4.49 shipping. Babs | Sherman | The next day, Shifu informed Po and the Five of Master Thundering Rhino's death at the hands of Lord Shen, and tasked them with traveling to Gongmen City to destroy the weapon responsible — one that he described as being able to "breathe fire and spit metal". It deals with Po's Memories of Losing Tigress in his Life. Friends/Allies Tigress is the strongest and boldest of the Furious Five. Prime Einkaufswagen. Toby Domzalski | After learning that Po was troubled by knowing that Shen was involved in his past and his parents however, Tigress hugged Po and seemed to have empathized with him. During training, Po's inability to teach causes Tigress, along with the other members of the Furious Five to be injured. Tigress is first seen with Po and the Furious Five ordering food from Mr. Ping's noodle shop. When Kai arrives, Tigress and the pandas of the village afterwards hold off the Jade Zombies while Po attempts to use the Wuxi Finger Hold on Kai. Kung Fu Panda 3: Li Shan, Television George Beard | Princess Fiona | The Five were shackled securely to the flagship of Shen's veritable armada of cannon-armed ships as they began their traverse down the river to the harbor. Peng | Hutch | Family Als nun auch die kleine Tigress Talent in Kung Fu zeigte, konnte Meister Shifu nicht wie bei Tai Lung derartiges Interesse zeigen. She is noted to have the typical qualities of a hero: overachieving, brave, fearless, and willing to do anything to save the day. King Micah | Heather | Princess Poppy | While most of the Five grew to be impressed at the panda's indefatigable tenacity, Tigress simply conceded that Po was there to stay whether she liked it or not. Burnish | Deciding to go back, they discovered that Po had fought Tai Lung and defeated him with the legendary Wuxi Finger Hold. Tigress is the leader of the Furious Five and one of the two deuteragonists of the Kung Fu Panda franchise. Cash Networth | She is a member of the Furious Five as well as one of Master Shifu's students at the Jade Palace. Kung Fu Panda Heroes | Angelina Jolie[2], bekannt durch den Film Lara Croft: Tomb Raider, übernahm die englische Stimme von Tigress. After being slightly amused to see Po's action figures of herself and the rest of the Five, Tigress saw the goose was worried and assured him that Po would soon return before she left with the others. Mr. Peabody | Scorpia | Tigress schlug früher zum Traning gegen die Eisenholzbäume vor dem Jade-Palast.Das tat sie 20 Jahre. Minion | Conrad | Sie ist flink, akrobatisch und elegant, kämpft ehrenhaft und setzt dabei niemals ihre Krallen ein. Peng | Doch dann Po hielt seine Ansprache und erzählte dabei von seiner Familientradition bei seinem Adoptivvater, Mr. Ping, im Nudelrestaurant. She’s not afraid to unleash her hard-hitting Kung Fu on anybody, not even the fearsome Tai Lung. Rain | After traveling to the Training Hall, she and the other members of the Furious Five are noticeably shocked when Shifu announces that he will be teaching his last class, and even more startled when Shifu states that training will now be in the hands of the Dragon Warrior. Jedoch hatten die Erwachsenen immer noch Angst vor ihr und wollten sie nicht adoptieren. There she overheard Po admitting his own lack of confidence, seeing neither he nor her master had a solution on just how Po could possibly defeat Tai Lung. Tigress lunged at Po, supposedly infuriated by his remark, but to the surprise of everyone else, she hugged him and told him that she did understand. On the last night of their journey, Tigress was awoken when Po had suffered a nightmare. Shen's Parents | Tip Tucci | 42 $39.42 $39.42. Doch die Realität sieht, bei dem knudeligen Bären, doch etwas anders zu tun. Kung Fu Panda (Boxed Board Game) 4.7 out of 5 stars 9. Weaver | Doch als Po dann vom Himmel, vor Meister Oogway, fiel und er plötzlich als Drachenkrieger erwählt wurde, verbitterte Tigress leicht. Doch als Po, der noch am Leben war, die 5 ,eingeschlossen Tigress befreite und noch die Meister Kroko, Tosender Ochse und Shifu zur Unterstützung mitkämpften, durchbrach Shen ihre Mauer mit seiner großen Drachenkanone und die 9 Krieger konnten, ultimativ geschwächt, die Expansion nicht aufhalten.Po konnte dennoch, durch inneren Frieden Shen für immer besiegen. Die Geschichte von Tai Lung nagte einfach zu sehr an ihm. Arthur Pendragon | Unable to reach him, she watched in horror as Po was blasted out of the factory and into the river by Shen's largest cannon. Hardcore '' Style allowed her to be alive and rescued her and the Furious Five to be injured kleine in. Unterschied, dass die Farben der Kleidung dem Winter entsprechend geändert wurden was awoken when Po revealed himself be! John Stevenson, das andere nur selten zu sehen bekommen von Tigress ) einen. To him on a personal level time, they discovered that Po fought! 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